This clinches it.…

Asadol­lah Mirza lift­ed the nee­dle from the record that was play­ing on the gramo­phone and said, “Moment, moment… do you want me to guess? You’ve paid a vis­it to San Fran­cis­co with Layli and you’ve left her a present in her suitcase?”

“No, Uncle Asadol­lah. Don’t make jokes about it. It’s some­thing much more important.”

“Oh, shut up with you, man, so it’s noth­ing to do with San Fran­cis­co? Los Ange­les is in those parts, round the back, and if that’s the prob­lem that’s not so bad, either.” 

–From My Uncle Napoleon by Iraj Pezeshkzad

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