
5.6 miles this morn­ing, in 57:44. I kept my heart rate down below 165 for most of the run, although through the last mile it was hard­er to keep up a com­fort­able pace and so for the final sev­en-tenths of a mile I was up clos­er to 175. I think thanks to my hard run yes­ter­day I just did­n’t have as much in my legs today.

I’m try­ing pret­ty des­per­ate­ly to hit my goal for June, which was 40 miles. I was out of com­mis­sion for a sub­stan­tial part of June, though, so it’s look­ing pret­ty grim. Actu­al­ly, all I have to do is one short run tomor­row and a mod­er­ate run Wednes­day and I’ll hit my tar­get, but that means no day off, and I always take days off. I sup­pose I should play it by ear and see how my body feels.

I have mas­sive blis­ters on the bot­toms of my feet—one the size of a half-dol­lar and the oth­er the size of a dime. It’s prob­a­bly best for me not to run on them if I can’t keep good form, but so far I’ve been pret­ty good about run­ning exact­ly the way I think I should instead of avoid­ing the blis­ters. How­ev­er, walk­ing now I def­i­nite­ly don’t want any weight on my feet and I’m favor­ing the out­side of my feet rather than let­ting my arch­es be sup­port­ed by the soles of my shoes. Still, blis­ters are just blis­ters, right?

I think now I know where the shoe man­u­fac­tur­ers got the idea of putting gel-filled packs in the soles. LOL!

2 Replies to “runrunrunrunrunrunrun”

  1. I wear cool­max socks. These
    I wear cool­max socks. These are my new shoes with much more tor­sion resis­tance to the soles, plus I attribute the blis­ters to run­ning a total­ly dif­fer­ent kind of course than usu­al on my Sun­day run. Instead of my flat cours­es or the one with a 70-foot hill in the mid­dle of it, I made a course of a 900-foot mountain.

    I’m not sur­prised or both­ered by the blis­ters, although I sup­pose I should be if I keep on get­ting blisters.

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