Falcon Stage Four or It Was A Dark and Stormy Nib

Falcon 4At this stage, I’m not nec­es­sar­i­ly done with the nib, but I’ve pro­gressed far enough to be real­ly cau­tious about doing any more that I already have. It’s time for me to turn my atten­tions to oth­er areas. The end of the sec­tion is going to take a lot of ink, and I’m start­ing to have to get real seri­ous about final­iz­ing my com­po­si­tion. I have the basics in mind, but I’m weigh­ing out some deci­sions and solu­tions that are non-obvi­ous. Non-obvi­ous to me, any­how. Mov­ing to anoth­er area of the draw­ing will help to clear out some of the ques­tions. In this way, some­times a draw­ing real­ly just does grow over time.

Here you can see the begin­nings of the pen in the back­ground. Although it’s very faint some let­ter­ing is vis­i­ble in the low­er right of this piece. One of the prob­lems I’ve not yet resolved is how to go about the let­ter­ing and sig­na­ture. The oth­ers from this series all have the name of the pen mod­el, date and sig­na­ture. I’m think­ing about doing some­thing a lit­tle larg­er than I have with the oth­ers, espe­cial­ly since the focus of the pen itself is so much big­ger than the oth­ers. None of the approach­es I’ve tried has worked for me yet, so I keep on play­ing with it. Even­tu­al­ly I’ll set­tle on a treatment.

2 Replies to “Falcon Stage Four or It Was A Dark and Stormy Nib”

  1. Great work trib­ute to an awe­some nib

    I real­ly like what you’ve cap­tured here, Steve.  The nib just jumps out at you.  Excel­lent cap­ture of the gold gleam too.  I like the rough sketch of the pen in the back­ground; it gives very good dimen­sion to the per­spec­tive.  Great work!  ~Gary

  2. Impres­sive

    I do not have the knowl­edges that would allow me to appre­ci­ate this at its full val­ue, but for my une­d­u­cat­ed eye and sim­ple mind this looks great.

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