Maybe I should receive threats more often

So last night I went to the gym, and what an amaz­ing dif­fer­ence some good (or bad) moti­va­tion can do! It was unbe­liev­able. For a while after Vik­ki and I split I would watch myself in the mir­ror telling myself I was build­ing the body SHE CAN’T HAVE. Which was great. It kept some fire in me and I made some pret­ty decent progress in a short while. 

Fill her up

There’s this Sting song on *Brand new Day* called *Fill her up* which sounds kind of annoy­ing because Sting does this imi­ta­tion of an Amer­i­can accent, but it tells a sto­ry which real­ly res­onates with me. 

It’s about a guy who works at a gas sta­tion in the mid­dle of nowhere and some city slick­er shows up in a fan­cy sports­car tak­ing his hot babe fiancee to Vegas to get mar­ried («yeah, that’s a real dia­mond»). The teller of the sto­ry resents his boss and starts dream­ing of steal­ing the cash­box and run­ning off to take his sweet­ie some­where. As the city slick­er dri­ves away, 

OK, but seriously

Some­thing about *Macarthur Park* sums up how I’ve been feel­ing late­ly. Who was the ass­hole that left the cake out in the rain? Dammit. 

I had a dream last night that I went on a road trip with Ham­mer­head, and that we went «camp­ing» in strangers’ homes. We pulled in to their dri­ve­ways and snuck in to the homes of sub­ur­ban­ites and slept in their guest bed­rooms. Some­times our unwit­ting hosts would pass by the doors on their way to the bath­room, and there was always a rush to get going in the morn­ing before we were discovered. 

Cleaning my desk

It’s a piece of advice that’s old­er than the hills, and yet still so easy to ignore. At least for me, it is. 

I’ve been pay­ing atten­tion to how my envi­ron­ment affects my men­tal state and my atti­tude. My apart­men­t’s appear­ance has become crit­i­cal since I’ve start­ed spend­ing a much greater por­tion of my wak­ing hours here. Bit by bit, I’ve been try­ing to orga­nize and clean.