A marvelous morning for Sundance

I feel a lit­tle fool­ish log­ging a two and a half mile walk. A walk does­n’t feel like a run but the impor­tant thing is to get out there and put some miles behind me.

In one regard, my walk over to the Sun­dance cof­fee shop on Third Street is tougher than my runs out to the ball­park. To the ball­park and back is most­ly flat. The total ele­va­tion gain no mat­ter how far I go is around 120 feet. The trip over to Sun­dance is a bit hillier—My GPS reports over 400 feet of climb­ing over two and a half miles. At some point I’ll roll hill­climb­ing work­outs into my run­ning, but for now I’m sav­ing the hills for my walk­ing shoes.

The cof­fee at Sun­dance is pret­ty good but most­ly I choose to go there because it’s about a mile away. It makes for a nice morn­ing walk. Today I took a detour into my old neigh­bor­hood to pick up a copy of the Wall Street Jour­nal. I haven’t found a place near my house that sells the Jour­nal, but good old Reno’s Liquors in Dog­patch car­ries it. After my Dog­patch dog­leg I cir­cled back to Sun­dance, picked up my cof­fee and came back home. It’s a beau­ti­ful day and the jaunt was a great way to begin it.