With the rain at my heels
One can look at life in one of two ways: as not having second chances or as something with limitless second chances. Both are useful in its own way; no second chances means that every moment and every choice is precious and cannot be relived. Unlimited second chances, though, means its never too late to jump back in the race, whatever that race may be.
While I certainly believe that each moment is elusive and cannot be recaptured, I’m still a fan of second chances and I endeavor to take them whenever I can. I was thinking about second chances when I walked out the door today to go for my first run in over a month. Tomorrow (insha’Allah, deo volante) I’ll turn 41 and I’ve still never run a marathon. I’ve committed myself to the US Other Half in the Spring as well as the US Half in the Fall, and considering that I’m essentially going from couch to 21K I should have started training last week. I haven’t picked a full marathon yet, but I think getting the half under my belt is wise before choosing.
There’s no way to start training last week, so I got out on the road today. I didn’t much feel like going for a run, but I recognized two things: that I want to want to run and, perhaps this is the same thing, I remember what it was like to look forward to running and I liked it. I’d like to have that back, but it won’t come back unless I get out on the road. Just as the first mile is always the hardest, the first month is also hardest. I miss running and I’m going to have to do it more often if I’m going to get to the point where I enjoy it again.
I had just closed the front door behind me when I felt a raindrop. There was a moment of hesitation, but being out the door meant I’d committed. I looked back to the West and saw darker clouds, then started running East.
I never felt more than those first couple raindrops, but the dark clouds continued to gather behind me. When I turned around at PacBell SBC AT&T Mays Field I thought I’d likely be running back through the rain. There’s nothing wrong with that; I’ve always enjoyed running in the rain. But either the rain went to the North of me on the way back or we’ll get it later tonight.
I look forward to my next actual run in the rain, but today whether it’s true or not I’m giving myself credit for outrunning the rain.