
This site uses type­faces licensed from Adobe Type­Kit

Body text was orig­i­nal­ly set in Adri­an Frutiger’s Apol­lo MT, one of the ear­li­est type­faces designed specif­i­cal­ly for pho­to­type­set­ting. For tech­ni­cal rea­sons it was removed and replaced tem­porar­i­ly with PT Serif from the Google web font col­lec­tion. Final­ly, I arrived at a long-time favorite: Chap­ar­ral Pro by Car­ol Twombly.

Though in many ways Chap­ar­ral is quite dif­fer­ent from Apol­lo MT, it shares the gen­er­ous aspect ratio and mod­er­ate x‑height, mak­ing it sim­i­lar­ly leg­i­ble and read­able in small set­tings. Chap­ar­ral’s slab ser­ifs help pre­vent it from look­ing spindly or pre­cious the way that ser­ifed faces often can when brought to the Web, while main­tain­ing a straight­for­ward jour­nal­is­tic feel.

Head­lines, nav­i­ga­tion and ancil­lary text are set in Cal­lu­na Sans. The mast­head is set in Museo Slab. Both faces were designed by Jos Buiv­en­ga, whose foundry blog can be seen at


Museo Slab is part of the Museo fam­i­ly of faces and was cho­sen for its bold, stark (dare I say mono­chro­mat­ic?) look. Com­pared to oth­er slab-serif faces, Museo Slab exhibits a sub­tly sub­ver­sive feel with its hid­den styl­is­tic quirks.

Cal­lu­na Sans was cho­sen for its human­ist qual­i­ties, to con­trast with Museo Slab. As a match for Chap­ar­ral, Cal­lu­na Sans has a sim­i­lar ascen­der-to-cap­i­tal rela­tion­ship and aspect ratio.