Sing it, sister!

*(Because I feel that I did­n’t have much to say about this nov­el, it has sin­gle­hand­ed­ly stalled all the reports for the books I’ve read…

Guilty pleasure

Thanks to [Deirdre Saoirse Moen]( for rec­om­mend­ing this book. It’s not my usu­al fare but I was look­ing for mate­r­i­al for struc­tur­ing a romance plot.…

The big question

Many years ago in the midst of the results of some very poor choic­es, a friend exposed me to the *Tao Te Ching*. I read…

Revisiting the Sea of Fertility

The first book of Yukio Mishi­ma’s epic *Sea of Fer­til­i­ty* tetral­o­gy is a gor­geous, lush explo­ration of the com­plex­i­ty of a dark­ly con­flict­ed character. 

What is fair?

I have to hand it to Mr Boortz and Con­gress­man Lin­der: whether you like their pro­pos­al or not, they are actu­al­ly think­ing about how to…