Last day at work
Only five or six more hours and I get to go home. I want to take it easy tonight, as I’m going off on retreat and am leaving at 6am for the Tassajara monastery. I’ll need to get plenty of sleep tonight. I think I’ll go to the gym on the way home, work out, pick up something to eat at the grocery store, then go home and eat and pack.
I’m pretty excited about the retreat. It’s also pretty strange to think about not coming back here to work again. I also have a lot of other stuff to get taken care of tonight: I have clients that need to get emails, and clients that need to have estimates drawn up. This is just in preparation for next week, but I want to be prepared for next week before it happens. It’s important to me to try to get ahead of the game.
I’m describing my state of mind as «appropriately terrified.» I think it would be disturbing if I somehow was not frightened about what’s ahead for me. Instead I’m just trying to walk through my fear one day at a time and acknowledge my fear (Rollins says «touch your fear») as I go ahead and do the next thing I have to do anyway.
Fear: ran into that last night when I went into jail. I told a short version of my story of getting sober. There were only two guys there at the meeting other than myself and the guy who went with me, but I was still pretty tongue-tied. I’ve never been inside a jail before, and it was a pretty powerful experience. The guys at the meeting were both getting out soon. One I believe is out today. I hope they can stay clean on the outside. It would be nice to see one of them at a meeting. In the end, I was there for myself, and so while I can wish them well, the important thing now is for me to hold this experience and carry it with me, and stay clean myself.