Cleaning my apartment
I’m coming to terms with my apartment right now, and I hope this isn’t some phase. Basically, the place has been a disaster area ever since I moved in, and it’s still a mess now, but it’s starting to piss me off. I’m embarrassed to bring people over to the apartment, and that’s no good.
This started when I did laundry this past weekend. I made my bed with the fresh new sheets and then went to the gym with my friend Jeff. I got back home to an apartment with a made bed for the first time since Vikki and I split up. Regardless of the rest of the mess, just having the bed made made a difference in the psychological space i came back to, and that’s real nice, so I’ve been making my bed in the morning ever since (er.… that translates to «twice so far»).
I’m also trying to actually clean and organize a little bit at a time. It seems like such an overwhelming task that I’ve avoided it for a while, plus there’s a whole part of my personality that rebels at the idea of cleaning or keeping my personal things organized. It seems like a restriction of my freedom. Like so many other aspescts of my life recently, I seem to be learning that I can be free to take on structure, not just free from structure.
Anyway, I’ve been finding one corner or one spot at a time and working on that area until I have a place for everything that was there. I’ve done this with two spots in my bedroom and I’ve thrown away a bunch of junk and put a lot of stuff into recycling.
There are a lot of feelings coming up around this process. I’m really becoming aware of a lot of shame I have around my living space, and it’s nice to take some action about that and have that feeling start to change. There’s a line of thinking that says that my mess is an extension of the mess inside me, and I guess the desire to clean up my space is linked to a desire to clean up what’s going on in my head and just value myself enough to live in an environment that doesn’t look like a 15-year old stoner’s room.
I’ve got a ways to go yet, but there is a spot in which I can stand where everything I see is marginally clean. There’s a pile of photographs on the floor against the wall, but that’s about it. And it’s soothing to look at that area and recognize it as my own.
Of course, my desk could use some attention, but I’m taking this a bit at a time. It would be nice if I could start to have some of that soothing feeling around being at my desk.
Part of me is telling myself that it won’t last and that it’s useless and that I don’t have what it takes to have a nice living space, but I’m trying to grab that thought process and tear its lungs out each time it comes up.