Cleaning my desk
It’s a piece of advice that’s older than the hills, and yet still so easy to ignore. At least for me, it is.
I’ve been paying attention to how my environment affects my mental state and my attitude. My apartment’s appearance has become critical since I’ve started spending a much greater portion of my waking hours here. Bit by bit, I’ve been trying to organize and clean.
A friend offered me a technique that’s helped: pick an area, and only clean that area. The rest of the place can wait for another day, or you can pick another area as soon as you get done with the one you’re focusing on. Then the progress becomes apparant.
In any case, I’ve noticed a subtle but significant shift in my attitude when I’m faced with a cluttered area. I’m more comfortable and relaxed, and better able to focus on tasks – and better able to keep tasks from intruding on my time when I’m not billing.
Perhaps my desk should have been my first target, but for whatever reason it was too daunting. It has now gotten the treatment, and so lets see how my ability to concentrate may change.
Don’t congratulate me too soon, though:
The rest of the place remains quite the shambles.
One thing at a time.