Stars fell down around me last night

Love­ly mete­or show­er last night. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them so dra­mat­ic. Feel­ing very for­tu­nate to have bro­ken out of my depres­sion long enough to get out of the house and go on a lit­tle field trip.

Some­thing inter­est­ing hap­pened last night. I enjoyed the com­pa­ny of a love­ly young woman. I don’t want to make too much of this, because there’s not that much to tell, but some­times I come to a hall­way in my life where I don’t necce­sar­i­ly fol­low the hall, but it’s amaz­ing to see that there are parts of the house I’d kept locked and for­got­ten. On the way back home after being out in the night air, we shared a blan­ket in the back­seat of the car. It was the first time that I’ve touched a woman in over a year, I’m sure. I mean, I may have shak­en hands a time or two, but that’s about it.

Briefly my hand touched her hair when she moved her head. I had for­got­ten about the entire world of a wom­an’s hair. Vik­ki kept her hair quite short so it may have been longer since I’ve touched a wom­an’s hair or run my fin­gers through.

It’s amaz­ing to me! Most of my per­cep­tions are like a blunt instru­ment, where I recall details only in broad strokes. There was a car I walked past on the way to the BART sta­tion, things like that. But this one moment, prob­a­bly no more than five or ten sec­onds, are mag­ni­fied in my mind with vivid rec­ol­lec­tion of tex­ture and detail. Delicious!

As I wrote, it’s won­der­ful to see that just because that wing has been locked up does­n’t mean that the demo­li­tion team has come to tear it down.

I’d like to see this young woman again, but that’s almost not the point. I’m just thrilled to have tast­ed a bit of life again. And of course ter­ri­fied because I don’t real­ly know where the hall­ways lead anymore.

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