OK, but seriously
Something about Macarthur Park sums up how I’ve been feeling lately. Who was the asshole that left the cake out in the rain? Dammit.
I had a dream last night that I went on a road trip with Hammerhead, and that we went «camping» in strangers’ homes. We pulled in to their driveways and snuck in to the homes of suburbanites and slept in their guest bedrooms. Sometimes our unwitting hosts would pass by the doors on their way to the bathroom, and there was always a rush to get going in the morning before we were discovered.
Don’t pretend to know what it’s about. Perhaps a narration of my feelings of displacement. Some of the unpleasantness that runs through my head is about being homeless and unemployed. I’m scared because I was brought up to believe in very Ayn Randian principles, and so if I have no job and no place to live and no health insurance, then that’s just society’s way of telling me I should just go die.
Okay, so I do pretend to know what it’s about.
In other news. I actually went out and took a bike ride last night. I wanted to get out of Destiny’s apartment and I was feeling lonely. So I dropped in unexpectedly on the young woman with whom I went to see the meteor shower the other night. It was a nice visit and helped me feel human. I have all these questions and I guess I’m just not going to have answers for them.
I sort of forgot that it’s pretty rude of me to drop in without calling first, but I guess it’s what I needed to do. It made me feel connected to be able to walk out my door and visit another human being without using electricity to do it. Was Cliff Stoll right? Does electronic media make us actually farther apart? There was a time when knocking on someone’s door was the accepted way of saying hello, and now it’s rude.
Not sure exactly what to make of it. She didn’t make a big deal about it, but she did remind me that it’s best to call first.
Heh. It’s weird that I’m still a pretty young guy and I get caught in modern etiquette with my old-fashioned attitudes. Or maybe I just yearn for old-fashioned values because it’s something — anything — to grasp on to in my attempt to fill the meaningless void that I call my life.
Hammerhead called me on the phone and said i was sounding better. From the way I’m typing, I’m starting to wonder if I misheard him and he said I was sounding “bitter.”
Well, more soon.