Maybe I should receive threats more often
So last night I went to the gym, and what an amazing difference some good (or bad) motivation can do! It was unbelievable. For a while after Vikki and I split I would watch myself in the mirror telling myself I was building the body SHE CAN’T HAVE. Which was great. It kept some fire in me and I made some pretty decent progress in a short while.
This technique helped a lot of things. One of the reasons that Vikki said that she didn’t want to be with me was because I was such a fatso. I’ve learned to not take any of what Vikki said at face value; she seemed to have some trouble being honest with me, but the point is that transforming my body helped me to heal a lot of the bad feelings I had about myself about my body. And muttering to myself to keep me motivated along those lines was mucho helpful.
The trouble is, as time went on, I started to have bigger problems in my life than Vikki, and I have a body that is acceptable. I don’t look the way I’d like to look, but after dropping a quarter of my body mass it’s pretty much time for me to be focused on adding muscle rather than losing fat. The thing is, that I don’t have that insane pang of shame when I look in the mirror as much, and that whole line of stuff doesn’t work as a motivator the way it did. Also, while Vikki’s loss is still present in my consciousness, it’s more like a bitter taste in my mouth than the pickaxe sticking out of my chest which it used to be. So using the «Vikki can’t have this body» mantra isn’t doing what it used to. Consequently, I’ve been slacking off at the gym, only going once a week and sometimes skipping that once. Since I go so long between workouts, I struggle to keep up with the levels I had reached instead of adding on and doing more.
Then Sunday, some anonymous shithead sent me that threatening post (check responses for a couple days ago). Unfortunately, I had IP logging off, but I’ve fixed that now. Even knowing that someone who would sent an anonymous threat is a cowardly puke who wouldn’t ever dare come after me, there’s fear and adrenaline that comes with that. Just naturally, my fight-or-flight instincts kick in, and no amount of knowing that the lamer is harmless will alleviate it.
So I get into the gym and while I was warming up on the treadmill I maxed the treadmill’s speed twice for over 90 seconds each time (I do intervals on the treadmill. I figure that as long as I’m doing something as lame as running in place, I might as well take advantage of the control I have over the pace). I was watching myself, looking into my own eyes and thinking over and over, «you’ll need to hit a moving target, asshole, and this one can hit back. Better take me out in one shot.» and stuff like that. I did 25% more «distance» on the treadmill than the last time I was there in about the same time.
The rest of the workout was the same. I upped my old limits on the machines and burned through sets. I didn’t try to push any limits on the freeweights since I didn’t have a spotter, but I usually don’t do freeweights at all without a spotter.
I breathed through my nose as much as possible, one of the — well, actually pretty much the only one — advantages of the surgery I had this spring is that I can get more air in through my nose. The phrase entered my head, «surgically enhanced for optimum performance,» and I envisioned myself as some dime-store sci-fi character. I guess that’s the appeal of transhumanism, but I don’t think I’ll take it any further.
That line made it onto a poem I wrote on BART. I’m really appreciating having the Newton with me all the time. I’ve been able to jot down a lot of stuff to use later. I guess a 79 cent notebook could serve the same purpose, but what the hell.
It was great talking to Dan last night. Good to be clear on a lot of things.
One thing I realized yesterday that may have an impact on my depression is that since I’ve been staying with Destiny my prayer and meditation practices have fallen off. I don’t have any real privacy here and I guess I’m a little embarrassed to do some of this stuff while he’s here.
There’s some perfectionism mixed in with it too. My meditation routine includes chanting, and I really don’t feel comfortable chanting while Destiny is here. But I can meditate without chanting, and I can certainly pray without chanting. There’s no good reason for me to have dropped the practice off entirely. Closing myself off from my higher power has not proven to be a particularly useful strategy in the past.