It’s Work Just Thinking About Work
I seem to be having tremendous difficulty in getting anything done that makes me any money. I hate to think that my disdain for money runs so deep that it compromises my ability to do things I would enjoy if I weren’t making money from them.
We finished Cool Beans! about a week ago, and I’m very proud of the work that I did on it, and of course pleased with everyone else’s work but the universe revolves around ME here in my own journal. So there. I think this issue looks good. At the same time I’ve had programming work to do for weeks that would allow me to pay my rent, and I’ve resisted doing it again and again until the first of the month is within spitting distance.
I can tell I’m not simply lazy because I busted my ass for the Cool Beans! design and typesetting. I put my all into it, even diving into the CD stuffing with focus and vigor. Yet I can’t bring myself to work for money. Why is it that I seem to have a choice between doing work that I’m good at and enjoy, and work that makes me money even though I’m not particularly good at it?
I mean, I’m having trouble coming up with a reason that anyone would pay me to do programming work. I’m not a programmer! And the more I have to do it, the less I like it. It used to be a fun hobby, and now it’s a real chore. And a chore for which I have plenty of experience and no training, so I could be doing everything dead wrong. Yet I keep on getting away with it.
Design and publishing though, I know what I know and what I don’t. I can fake many of the things I don’t know, but I also know where to look and who to ask to find out what the traditionally correct approach is. Basically, I know what I’m doing. It feels right. I get things done and there are good results. This is of course satisfying.
But it doesn’t make me any money. I don’t make money from doing what I’m good at. This just makes very little sense to me and I don’t think I’ll have it figured out anytime soon.
I think that the structure of a «real» job, with a workplace environment and everything, would do me a lot of good. I’m a bit afraid of the restrictions that would place on me, but I’m driving myself crazy as a freelancer when I’m not willing to do any work that produces income.
I guess it’s back to the job search. Unfortunately, that terrifies me as well. The last few times I’ve done a job search, I’ve come up completely empty-handed. Networking and using connections has gotten me pretty much every job I’ve ever had, and searching for a job has just netted me big fat rejection. Of course, this is just what it says in What Color Is Your Parachute but what am I going to do? not put my resume out there? I’ve got to do something.
Maybe I should sleep sometime too. =^)