
I went to a visions med­i­ta­tion and cer­e­mo­ny today. It was real­ly calm­ing and more than a lit­tle revealing.

Inves­ti­gat­ing my vision for myself is about uncov­er­ing more aspects of the vision I’ve always had for myself rather than invent­ing some­thing new. Some­times aspects take on new mean­ings, but the process is remem­ber­ing and allow­ing myself to real­ize that these things are pos­si­ble, or at least that I deserve to have this per­fect thing, even if it’s only in my imagination.

So I’ve known this for years, at least since high school. My vision of myself when I’m (ahem) grown up and liv­ing in the (ahem) real world looks like this: a place to live with large win­dows and plen­ty of nat­ur­al light. Through the win­dows it is pos­si­ble to see trees and water. Inside there are hard­wood floors, a fire­place, and a com­fort­able chair with a read­ing lamp. There are many books around; there are shelves full of them. And my draw­ing table is there, and I work at it dur­ing the day, and read in the evenings. There is a cat with me. I draw with a pen and ink and write let­ters to loved ones by hand with a foun­tain pen at a clean, unclut­tered desk.

What I noticed today is that this does­n’t include a part­ner. As far as I can recall, it nev­er has. It is not a part of this vision to have a wife or girl­friend. I can guess at two pos­si­ble rea­sons, and I’ll list the eas­i­est one first: that I’ve been in as much denial about my own abil­i­ty, or even right to have a mate that I’ve pushed aside any thoughts of who she might be and have just tak­en who I could as I’ve gone along. This is sup­port­ed by the fact that at sev­er­al times dur­ing my life I have had dreams about find­ing and falling in love with a girl or woman with whom I match per­fect­ly. It could be that what’s in my mind and heart and repressed in my con­scious­ness, gets squeezed out into my dreams.

The oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is that I am here for some­thing else. Per­haps the vision is clear: that there is no one else, that I desire and require an almost soli­tary life. That’s a per­plex­ing pos­si­bil­i­ty. I spend a lot of ener­gy look­ing for my mate, but per­haps I should­n’t be look­ing out­side myself for what I need. At the very least it seems clear that I need to focus on my work and on being use­ful to oth­ers. If there is to be a rela­tion­ship in my life, it’ll hap­pen by itself with­out my effort. Even then it may be impor­tant for me to keep my mind on my work first and fore­most, and keep my abil­i­ty to have soli­tude intact.

Wacko the­o­ry: my soul is to a woman what her body is to me. That is to say, some­thing that is gen­er­al­ly more appeal­ing when con­cealed and shroud­ed in mystery.

I’m remind­ed of advice from the Tao Te Ching that I nev­er fol­low: «Keep your mouth shut, guard your sens­es.» I’ve got­ten in trou­ble for shar­ing my obser­va­tions. Is it dis­hon­est to sim­ply not men­tion what I observe? I think I need to keep things to myself more, per­haps most of all because I might be right.

6 Replies to “Vision”

  1. I think you are in dan­ger of
    I think you are in dan­ger of over-intel­lec­tu­al­iz­ing what is essen­tial­ly a process of flu­id dynam­ics. The flow of expe­ri­ence will put you in con­tact with some unknown num­ber of part­ners over the course of your life­time, and you will con­tin­u­al­ly be informed (or dis­tract­ed, depend­ing on how you look at things) with the pow­er to choose your life part­ner. Some­times the flow will con­trol you, like the boat caught in the rapids, and some­times you will be able to steer your course. When you reach the river’s end, the des­ti­na­tion is not at all rel­e­vant, only the qual­i­ty of the journey.

    As for you abil­i­ty and right to have a mate, these are inalien­able facts of exis­tence. Nature’s design grants us the right and abil­i­ty to mate. Seek­ing the “per­fect match” is an oxy­moron and an injus­tice to your part­ners. All peo­ple, and by exten­sion rela­tion­ships, are imper­fect, which is as it should be. The best rela­tion­ships, in my opin­ion, are the ones where both part­ners trust and respect each anoth­er and each oth­er’s strengths and weak­ness­es. When one per­son is no longer com­fort­able with the oth­er’s qual­i­ties, that’s usu­al­ly when they bolt.

    Of course, these are just my opin­ions to be tak­en with sev­er­al grains of salt.

  2. No, you have a good point
    No, you have a good point about my over­in­tel­lec­tu­al­iz­ing, but I believe I’ve stum­bled across a valid ques­tion: does the fact that I don’t have a part­ner in my life vision mean that my vision is incom­plete, or that a part­ner is not all that impor­tant to me?

  3. I’m of the belief that you
    I’m of the belief that you end up find­ing some­one when you aren’t on the hunt. Just mind­ing your own busi­ness, con­tent with the way things are, and then all of a sud­den the ground gives way. I did­n’t expect to fall in love with Matt in such a big way, but, well, he appeared on my doorstep. My most suc­cess­ful rela­tion­ships have hap­pened when I did­n’t plan on includ­ing anoth­er per­son in my life.

  4. Oh yes, I’m also firm­ly of
    Oh yes, I’m also firm­ly of this belief, and that’s not what I’m ques­tion­ing. You’re absolute­ly right about that. 

    What I’m curi­ous about is whether I need – or even want – a part­ner in my life. I’m actu­al­ly hav­ing a lot of fun being on the hunt; dat­ing and not being in a rela­tion­ship is way cool­er than I thought it could be. I think it’s sig­nif­i­cant that there’s no part­ner in my vision for myself.

    Either a part­ner is not what I want and need, or the vision is incom­plete. Can’t say which it is, but either way it seems important.

  5. Per­haps both. Per­haps
    Per­haps both. Per­haps nei­ther. I think that ques­tion is rel­a­tive to the observ­er. Do you feel that your vision is incom­plete? I think there are sev­er­al pos­si­bil­i­ties here in time. For you, con­scious­ly or sub­con­cious­ly, this vision may be com­plete or not. What if it is, and you meet some­one lat­er on down the road so com­pelled by you, or so com­pelling to you, that they insert them­selves into your com­plet­ed vision and enhance it beyond its orig­i­nal poten­tial? Ulti­mate­ly, I don’t think the answer is as impor­tant as being sat­is­fied with the vision as you can see it now. Always be flex­i­ble about the future.

  6. Yeah, right now I’m tak­ing
    Yeah, right now I’m tak­ing more action in things like get­ting my liv­ing space to where I want it to be (free of clut­ter, com­fort­able both for liv­ing and work­ing) and try­ing to get to finan­cial sol­ven­cy. Women are a very pleas­ant dis­trac­tion, but I guess what’s hap­pen­ing is that I’m start­ing to see them as a dis­trac­tion rather than the pur­pose of my life. 

    I under­stand that this shift in atti­tudes is pan­dem­ic to males in their ear­ly thir­ties, but hear­ing about it in the past has just ter­ri­fied and revolt­ed me. The idea that there might be things in life more impor­tant than sex? Heresy! I’m prob­a­bly a bit in back­lash mode now, too. Hav­ing just dis­cov­ered this, I’m indulging in the play­act­ing of intel­lec­tu­al van­i­ty, say­ing “Ha! women! don’t need them. Got more impor­tant things to do.” But the real­i­ty is that I go out on the street and need chi­ro­prac­tic help from all the rub­ber­neck­ing I do. 

    I sup­pose ulti­mate­ly that these things aren’t mutu­al­ly exclu­sive. Being freed (even just a lit­tle) from an addic­tive atti­tude towards sex, I’m bet­ter able to appre­ci­ate the expe­ri­ence of attraction.

    It’s like smok­ing: I haven’t had a cig­a­rette in over sev­en years, but I have had I think eight cig­ars at cel­e­bra­tions or spe­cial occa­sions in that time. I used to go through a pack of cig­a­rettes every day, and today I real­ly enjoy smok­ing when I do it (nev­er cig­a­rettes – that would be too dan­ger­ous. I have to admit that even smok­ing a cig­ar seems fool­hardy, but I do it any­how. No sense in mak­ing things even worse by dab­bling in cig­a­rettes again) because it’s some­thing I do because I enjoy it rather than from a sense of need.

    Oh, did you say some­thing about overintellectualization? =^)

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