What a medium-length, relatively out-of-the-ordinary trip it’s been

Tomor­row I return to SF. I’m a lit­tle sad this adven­ture is over, but also glad to be head­ing home. I miss Ozzy and Loofah, and my own bed and being able to see Star Trek on TV and stuff like that.

Actu­al­ly, I think I over­did it just enough to real­ly REALLY be glad to head back home. Last night I got real­ly testy and aggra­vat­ed and this morn­ing I was just plain pissed off at Jes­si­ca. I told her that I want­ed to leave New Brunswick at noon, and that was a rea­son­able plan if I were to make it to Albany in time to unpack and go to the gallery open­ing par­ty my mom coor­di­nat­ed. So after we left the hotel, we checked email on the Rut­gers com­put­ers for about 15 min­utes and got back in her car. Jes said she want­ed to show me some­place and start­ed going off in anoth­er direc­tion. I looked at my watch and saw that we had about a half hour before we’d have to be back at my car so that I could start back to Albany. She told me that where we were going was a surprise.

Time went on and I start­ed look­ing more ner­vous­ly at my watch as the big hand got clos­er and clos­er to ver­ti­cal. Next thing is that I notice that we’re in Prince­ton. And Jes is talk­ing about what the heck, let’s just go check out the fam­i­ly farm (which would tack anoth­er 90 min­utes onto the trip even for a dri­ve-by). So I say no no no no!!!! and she asks what time I’m plan­ning on leav­ing as if I had­n’t already told her repeatedly.

We turned around and went back to the hotel, I got in the car and left about 90 min­utes late. That’s just so aggra­vat­ing. Traf­fic was OK, but I was real­ly mad and that’s not a good way to leave some­one you’re visiting.

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