Catalina Dogs! Yummmm

I think maybe I’m too old and (some­times) make too much mon­ey to be a «starv­ing artist» but some­times I do scrounge for food. Well, last night after resign­ing myself to a week of beans, rice, and oat­meal, I dis­cov­ered an unopened pack of hot dogs in the refrig­er­a­tor. Hey, that’s din­ner! Or lunch. Or something.

Any­how, I’m out of cat­sup or ketchup or what­ev­er it’s real­ly called. Une­n­amoured of the idea of eat­ing my hot dogs dry, I plun­dered the util­i­ty draw­er look­ing for old fast-food ketchup packs or some­thing. No love there, so I went back to the refrig­er­a­tor. What did I find but Catali­na sal­ad dress­ing! OK, it’s not ketchup, but it is toma­to-based and sweet. Which means it’s basi­cal­ly ketchup. With a sick com­bi­na­tion of des­per­a­tion and explorato­ry zeal, I put catali­na on my hot dogs.

Result? Actu­al­ly the catali­na was a bit more sub­dued than I’d expect­ed. The stuff over­pow­ers bland ice­berg let­tuce, but does­n’t have the fla­vor fire­pow­er to com­pete with a beef-by-prod­uct and nitrate filled tube steak. I bare­ly noticed that it was there. On the oth­er hand, it does have a cer­tain zesty qual­i­ty that I can see going well as ketchup’s spici­er broth­er, if one could find bland­er hot dogs.

OK, enough of that. This is enough text to see if the Palm Live­Jour­nal client works. So I’m gonna sync and see what hap­pens. In the mean­time, I have a banana and a glass of diet Safe­way cola for dessert in case I had­n’t grossed you out enough.


2 Replies to “Catalina Dogs! Yummmm”

  1. A nitrate filled tube steak?
    A nitrate filled tube steak? I’m try­ing to pro­duce nitrates in my aquar­i­um from a con­cen­tra­tion of nitrites. Actu­al­ly, I’m try­ing to breed bac­te­ria that will eat the nitrites and pro­duce nitrates. Nitrates = good fish tank.

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