Catalina Dogs! Yummmm
I think maybe I’m too old and (sometimes) make too much money to be a «starving artist» but sometimes I do scrounge for food. Well, last night after resigning myself to a week of beans, rice, and oatmeal, I discovered an unopened pack of hot dogs in the refrigerator. Hey, that’s dinner! Or lunch. Or something.
Anyhow, I’m out of catsup or ketchup or whatever it’s really called. Unenamoured of the idea of eating my hot dogs dry, I plundered the utility drawer looking for old fast-food ketchup packs or something. No love there, so I went back to the refrigerator. What did I find but Catalina salad dressing! OK, it’s not ketchup, but it is tomato-based and sweet. Which means it’s basically ketchup. With a sick combination of desperation and exploratory zeal, I put catalina on my hot dogs.
Result? Actually the catalina was a bit more subdued than I’d expected. The stuff overpowers bland iceberg lettuce, but doesn’t have the flavor firepower to compete with a beef-by-product and nitrate filled tube steak. I barely noticed that it was there. On the other hand, it does have a certain zesty quality that I can see going well as ketchup’s spicier brother, if one could find blander hot dogs.
OK, enough of that. This is enough text to see if the Palm LiveJournal client works. So I’m gonna sync and see what happens. In the meantime, I have a banana and a glass of diet Safeway cola for dessert in case I hadn’t grossed you out enough.
You steal ketchup packets
You steal ketchup packets from fast food restaurants.. isnt there a Burger King in the hood somewhere?
A nitrate filled tube steak?
A nitrate filled tube steak? I’m trying to produce nitrates in my aquarium from a concentration of nitrites. Actually, I’m trying to breed bacteria that will eat the nitrites and produce nitrates. Nitrates = good fish tank.