Busy day
I can’t believe what a full day I had today! It sure beats the heck out of boring, although I have to admit that with the drama that goes on around making a living, sometimes boring sounds good to me.
I woke at a (somewhat) reasonable hour, and got up and started to work without much dawdling, too. Even so, I wasn’t able to get much progress made on my to-do list before more work came in. One of my clients discovered a problem with printing their coupon page in Netscape Navigator 4.xx and that took priority because it was an item to be fixed rather than new development. Anyhow, that took most of the time I had before running out to go meet the client and pick up a check.
After the client’s office, I went on to the bank and then to the phone company store to pay my bill and get my cellphone service restored. I ran a couple other errands and then called Mr Hammerhead as we’d made plans to go out and maybe see the show that he had tickets for, which was Pork Tornado at Slims.
I took BART over to Berkeley and then we came back over to San Francisco for the show. Honestly, I thought it was pretty lame. Usually I have a high tolerance for live music, but this just didn’t do anything for me. As Hammerhead pointed out, it was like a typical bar band, not up to the caliber of a show we’d paid to see.
So after a half hour or so of putting up with Pork Tornado, we left and went to Bottom of the Hill to see Sun City Girls, which was much more interesting, although I had some problems with them. SCG are not an accessable band by any stretch of the imagination. They seem like a free jazz band playing with a traditional rock arrangement. As such, they make some great sound textures, but it’s the sort of thing that is better in the background when you’re paying attention to something else. As strange as it may seem, they would be perfect for a Yoshi’s-like dinner club atmosphere where patrons can sit and converse while the band is playing. Like most music in bars, it was just too loud to conduct conversation. Fortunately, above the bar was a TV on which was playing a hilarious collection of trailers from sci-fi and horror movies from the 50s, 60s, and 70s, which gave me something amusing to watch while the amazing soundtrack washed over and through me.
Still, I found myself uncomfortable being in a room full of people, some of whom I know or was introduced to, and feeling insulated from them by the sound. I saw other people at both venues chatting amicably, so I’m starting to wonder if either theres a skill I need to develop to conversing with others in loud places, or if my hearing is starting to deteriorate. I find it difficult to pick out what other people are saying when there’s a lot of ambient sound, and it’s one factor that keeps me from socializing in those sorts of venues.
I probably should have my hearing checked just to be safe, and also be more vigilant about bringing earplugs to shows. I may not hear people better, but it should help keep my hearing from deteriorating.