
Just got off the tread­mill. Haven’t been on it in months, since I’ve been lazy and not mak­ing it to the gym much late­ly. When I have made it in here, I’ve wimped out and got­ten on the sta­tion­ary bikes. I did three miles on the tread­mill. I want­ed to do five, but con­sid­er­ing it’s my first time in a while, three is pret­ty good. Five miles would have been a lot for me when I was at 70 kilos and run­ning two or three times every week. At 80 kilos and a more sloth­ful lifestyle, what I did is good.

I did two things that I feel good about. Well, three includ­ing stretch­ing ade­quate­ly. First, I did visu­al­iza­tion on the way to the gym. Doing that pre­pared me men­tal­ly for feel­ing tapped out and push­ing through.

The oth­er thing was while I was on the tread­mill. I took a short break at a low­er speed and I seri­ous­ly con­sid­ered stop­ping entire­ly at that point. But I was aware that if I stopped that I’d feel like a quit­ter. So I start­ed back up to a high­er speed after the rest peri­od was up. Lat­er when I felt like it was time to stop I knew I was lis­ten­ing to what my body was telling me, not just bail­ing out.

So, I’ll work up to that five mile mark. I don’t need it on my first day back.

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