One less wire to trip over
I’ve been putting up with bad phone wiring in this apartment for more than a year now, with a line splitter sticking out of the one working jack, and phone wires snaked across the floor into the living room and into the server closet, where the DSL “modem” is. Well Christmas day I started the wiring project and discovered a couple of things about the phone wiring here. That got me about halfway there. Today I got on hands and knees with screwdriver, flashlight and wirestripper, reached under the desk and moved the jack to where all the wires came together.
I’ve almost finished the job. I still need to borrow a cable stapler to hold the wires in place, but all the wires reach, the living room/desk phone has its own jack a few feet from it, and there are no wires going across the floor in the hallway connecting the living room to the bedroom and bathroom, so I will no longer trip over them in the middle of the night.