One less wire to trip over

I’ve been putting up with bad phone wiring in this apart­ment for more than a year now, with a line split­ter stick­ing out of the one work­ing jack, and phone wires snaked across the floor into the liv­ing room and into the serv­er clos­et, where the DSL “modem” is. Well Christ­mas day I start­ed the wiring project and dis­cov­ered a cou­ple of things about the phone wiring here. That got me about halfway there. Today I got on hands and knees with screw­driv­er, flash­light and wire­strip­per, reached under the desk and moved the jack to where all the wires came together.

I’ve almost fin­ished the job. I still need to bor­row a cable sta­pler to hold the wires in place, but all the wires reach, the liv­ing room/desk phone has its own jack a few feet from it, and there are no wires going across the floor in the hall­way con­nect­ing the liv­ing room to the bed­room and bath­room, so I will no longer trip over them in the mid­dle of the night.

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