Travelling backwards through time
In an attempt to clean my apartment, I’m going through a box of papers and basically turning it into another box full of papers, plus a trash bag and recycling box. Hopefully I’ll soon be able to take all these papers and file them or throw them away. What I can’t make an immediate decision about should hopefully constitute a much smaller box than the one that’s been monopolizing my living room, plus the goal is to get enough of the crap that’s been covering my floor up off the floor so that I can vaccuum. I hope that’s not an overly optimistic goal. The place looks like hell right now.
Unfortunately this means going through old receipts that I have no idea why I still have and a bunch of useless crap. It;s cool to find ticket stubs for concerts that I recall fondly, but then there’s the truly useless crap like the receipts for gifts for my ex. Like if that MP3 player broke she’d call me to see if I had the receipt or something. Even if it was still in warranty, which it’s almost certainly not. Crap like that.
I guess I’ve been finding some cool stuff too, but mostly the process is kind of tedious. I’m getting close to ready to take what I’ve got and piling it all back into the box it came from and calling it a night. A little progress on this stuff is a good thing, no matter what.
Well, except that now my floor is way more covered with worthless stuff than it was before I started. Urrgh.