Travelling backwards through time

In an attempt to clean my apart­ment, I’m going through a box of papers and basi­cal­ly turn­ing it into anoth­er box full of papers, plus a trash bag and recy­cling box. Hope­ful­ly I’ll soon be able to take all these papers and file them or throw them away. What I can’t make an imme­di­ate deci­sion about should hope­ful­ly con­sti­tute a much small­er box than the one that’s been monop­o­liz­ing my liv­ing room, plus the goal is to get enough of the crap that’s been cov­er­ing my floor up off the floor so that I can vac­cu­um. I hope that’s not an over­ly opti­mistic goal. The place looks like hell right now.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly this means going through old receipts that I have no idea why I still have and a bunch of use­less crap. It;s cool to find tick­et stubs for con­certs that I recall fond­ly, but then there’s the tru­ly use­less crap like the receipts for gifts for my ex. Like if that MP3 play­er broke she’d call me to see if I had the receipt or some­thing. Even if it was still in war­ran­ty, which it’s almost cer­tain­ly not. Crap like that.

I guess I’ve been find­ing some cool stuff too, but most­ly the process is kind of tedious. I’m get­ting close to ready to take what I’ve got and pil­ing it all back into the box it came from and call­ing it a night. A lit­tle progress on this stuff is a good thing, no mat­ter what.

Well, except that now my floor is way more cov­ered with worth­less stuff than it was before I start­ed. Urrgh.


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