As I was about to get off the the #14 bus today, a couple kids were giving another kid trouble. There was some ruckus and swearing, and I heard one say, “give me your watch, take off your watch!” As the bus stopped the noise turned into physical commotion and as I got up to get off, one of these kids – a skinny olive-skinned boy of about 16 I guess – tumbled past me and his scooter crashed to the floor of the bus. I saw blood trickling down his cheek.
The other two boys scrambled off the bus as fast as they could, laughing and jeering and pushing past the riders who also wanted to exit the bus, trying to avoid the unpleasantness going on around them.
A woman on the sidewalk yelled something I didn’t understand, and the kid who’d been hit replied, “they jumped me.” That’s when I noticed that she was wearing MUNI patches and holding a clipboard. she didn’t move, but did assume a vigilant stance and start watching as though she might take some kind of action.
I followed the two youths to the corner – it was the direction I was going anyhow. The two started running when they turned the corner. I figure they just didn’t want to be seen running away from their victory.
What troubles me about this is that even when I saw the boy bleeding all I had on my mind was keeping out of any conflict. It did not occur to me to help the boy or try and stop his two assailants. I stood by and did nothing, just hoping that it would go away and that I could go on with my business.
I know many will say that I did nothing wrong, and that avoiding danger is healthy. I have no doubt that avoiding danger is healthy, but danger is around us. We cannot avoid it except by perpetuating it. Those two boys learned that there are no consequences to inflicting pain and taking away what belongs to someone else.
If the world is what we make of it, then I fumbled an opportunity to make the world a more just place – The bullies won today because I let them.
My friend got mugged in
My friend got mugged in broad daylight in a crowd of people. He said that after the kids ran off with his stuff, a bunch of people came to hime and said things like, “Are you okay? I saw the whole thing,” and “I know those kids. They are no good.” But while the mugging was going on, no one came to his aid.