First they kill her, then they attack her mourners
It’s a damn good thing I’m not in Israel. I might do something regrettable.
Memorial Service disrupted with tanks and teargas (thanks to Erik for passing this link on to me)
I know… having more than three or four people gathered in one place is a security hazard of some sort. There’s a reason that we have the right to assemble written into our Constitutionâit’s the sort of thing that authorities are scared of, so the U.S. founders wanted to make sure that it would be protected from the later generations who would try to oppress us (how right they were, too).
Bottom line is that peaceful assembly should not be teargassed in any country. But Israel (and notice that I don’t say Palestine… only a fool thinks that there’s any chance that the occupied territories will ever have autonomy) is a police state living in martial law. So mourners at a memorial service are a threat to security, and just to add insult to injury, the U.S. State Department classifies them as enemy combatants.
Just think. All I’d need to do is show up for a memorial and I could be thrown in jail for treason without a trial.
OK, maybe I should stop thinking about this. It’s too early in the morning to be this pissed off.