First they kill her, then they attack her mourners

It’s a damn good thing I’m not in Israel. I might do some­thing regrettable.

Memo­r­i­al Ser­vice dis­rupt­ed with tanks and tear­gas (thanks to Erik for pass­ing this link on to me)

I know… hav­ing more than three or four peo­ple gath­ered in one place is a secu­ri­ty haz­ard of some sort. There’s a rea­son that we have the right to assem­ble writ­ten into our Constitution—it’s the sort of thing that author­i­ties are scared of, so the U.S. founders want­ed to make sure that it would be pro­tect­ed from the lat­er gen­er­a­tions who would try to oppress us (how right they were, too).

Bot­tom line is that peace­ful assem­bly should not be tear­gassed in any coun­try. But Israel (and notice that I don’t say Pales­tine… only a fool thinks that there’s any chance that the occu­pied ter­ri­to­ries will ever have auton­o­my) is a police state liv­ing in mar­tial law. So mourn­ers at a memo­r­i­al ser­vice are a threat to secu­ri­ty, and just to add insult to injury, the U.S. State Depart­ment clas­si­fies them as ene­my combatants.

Just think. All I’d need to do is show up for a memo­r­i­al and I could be thrown in jail for trea­son with­out a trial.

OK, maybe I should stop think­ing about this. It’s too ear­ly in the morn­ing to be this pissed off.


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