The way home

The air­port shut­tle woke me up this morn­ing – not a good thing when you aren’t already all packed. My alarm went off at 6:45 and I don’t remem­ber a thing again until 8:10. For­tu­nate­ly, I only packed for one day and had lots of room in my bag. I dragged on my pants and shoes and stuffed every­thing else in my bag and went. The dri­ver cov­ered for me by say­ing that he was ear­ly, but it would have been the same if he had been on time.

So now I’m on my way back to SeaT­ac to go home. It’s been a pret­ty short trip, but I met some real­ly nice folks. Despite the cul­ture shock I described dur­ing the trip down, which was entire­ly based on the radio and what I saw out the win­dow as I drove by, I have to say that Olympia is a nice town. There’s a friend­li­ness here that you don’t find in big­ger cities. Smile and say ‘hi’ on the street at night and peo­ple smile and say ‘hi’ back. I’ve been able to pay cash for things like my motel room with­out it being an issue. The peo­ple I’ve met from the town have been real gen­uine and help­ful and friendly.


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