Life’s Work Center

80.8kg this morn­ing, but here I am cheat­ing again because this is the first time I’ve weighed myself in the morn­ing, when I’m nat­u­ral­ly lighter. Nev­er­the­less, I con­tin­ue forg­ing ahead. I plan to make it to the gym tonight.

I’m skip­ping my Life’s Work Cen­ter ses­sion today. I’m filled with fear that I’m fuck­ing up my work for anoth­er client. What’s messed up is that what I want to do is not fire away kick­ing ass at my to-do-list until I’m ahead of the game. What I want to do is pull the cov­ers back over my head and go back to sleep.

At the very least I need to give Tom at the LWC a phone call to let him know I won’t be there. That way I’m at least not cow­er­ing from the world – I’m mak­ing contact.

Still, I have this hor­rid feel­ing that it’s only 9:30 and the whole day is already shot. That may have more to do with not being able to afford drugs these days than any­thing else. Or maybe I’ll feel bet­ter with some cof­fee in me.


3 Replies to “Life’s Work Center”

  1. The Life’s Work Cen­ter is
    The Life’s Work Cen­ter is absolute­ly great. I rec­om­mend their pro­gram and the peo­ple are fantastic. 

    I, on the oth­er hand, some­times get ter­ri­fied that things won’t get done and so don’t do the things that real­ly need to get done. Like I’ll sit at the com­put­er try­t­ing to fix some­thing instead of hav­ing a meal. When I’m in that head­space, eat­ing food can seem like a bur­den. That’s the only sense in which I con­sid­er the LWC pro­gram a burden. 

    The work can be chal­leng­ing, but that’s sort of the point.

  2. That’s a good com­par­i­son,
    That’s a good com­par­i­son, Steve, thanks. I hope you have a day that is both com­fort­able and chal­leng­ing, for exam­ple, with yum­my food and a pleas­ant con­ver­sa­tion in it.

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