Short but Steep
So today in an attempt to reclaim some of my cycling honor after having given climbed only halfway to Geary Ave from Ocean beach the other day, I rode from my apartment to the Mount Davidson cross. On the map, that’s only about one and a third miles, but it’s a climb to 927 feet above sea level from my place off of Mission Street. I don’t know what the altitude is here, but I rode past Glen park BART station, which is at 180 feet above sea level. So that’s a 750 foot climb over just a few miles.
On my road bike, with a 42×23 low gear. Hello, knee surgery.
And I cheated. There’s no paved road up to the cross, and my road bike has 23mm tires, so I walked the bike up from the entrance. Still glad to know I could make it up, only stopping a couple times to take pictures and look at maps to try and figure out how to find the entrance.