Yay, Potassium!

I rode my bike to pick up a check from a client this morn­ing. Went up Mis­sion to Cesar Chavez and then across to 3rd street and up around the Embar­cadero to Fish­er­man’s Wharf, where my clien­t’s office is. Then I rode around Pacif­ic Heights and over to the Mari­na, and then out to the Bridge. I stopped and talked to a cou­ple of tourists along the way and gave them some direc­tions, then out to Sea­cliff. A tourist stopped in the mid­dle of the road in order to back up for a park­ing space at the bot­tom of a long hill on Lin­coln Boule­vard, and I had to stop pret­ty quick­ly from close to 40mph – I almost did­n’t make it. Scary! Then I took the Great High­way down to Sky­line, and went over to Sloat and then home on Ocean. I got home and had two ban­nanas and some Gatorade. I feel much bet­ter now, although I need a show­er pret­ty badly.

Total mileage: 29. I was def­i­nite­ly feel­ing that grav­el­ly feel­ing in my right knee, so I think that I might be over­do­ing it on the hills. But I live in San Fran­cis­co! Where am I going to find rides with­out hills? I real­ly need a bike oth­er than this rac­ing bike. It’s fun and all, but I need low­er gear­ing if I’m going to keep my knees intact. Plus there’s no way I can ever do any tour­ing on this bike.

Moments from today’s ride:

Found the drops. I usu­al­ly ride up on the hoods, and I spent some time down in the drops. It was real nice, espe­cial­ly along the Embar­cadero where I had very lit­tle wind and nice warm sun. Zoom!

Dis­cov­ered that I have no integri­ty. I was just get­ting ready to yell at some tourist who was turn­ing right from the cen­ter lane on Fish­er­man’s Wharf over by Pier 43 1/2 when she turned around and smiled at me. For­got that I was even annoyed at her until about a minute later.

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