Science experiment you can try at home!

OK, so one of the cool things about the met­ric sys­tem is how each sys­tem of mea­sure­ment relates to oth­er sys­tems of mea­sure­ment. I remem­ber from school that one cubic cen­time­ter describes a vol­ume equal to one mil­li­liter, which in turn weighs one gram. pret­ty cool. All the “stan­dard” sys­tem has is “a pin­t’s a pound the whole world round.” Yeah, whatever.

So here’s what I did. I stepped on the scale, which said that I weighed 80.2 kilo­grams. I filled a 1 liter bot­tle with water and drank it, then stepped on the scale. 81.2 kilo­grams now.

Empir­i­cal proof! Yes!!!

3 Replies to “Science experiment you can try at home!”

  1. why do you think of your
    why do you think of your weight in kilos and not pounds? It hurts my lit­tle head to do the conversion.

    btw: I’m fat. 197 last weigh in (pounds, not kilos)

  2. I think it’s hilar­i­ous that
    I think it’s hilar­i­ous that no one can pro­vide a sci­en­tif­ic cita­tion that humans need 8+ 8 oz. glass­es of water per day; the only peo­ple pro­vid­ing any proof are bot­tled water manufacturers!

    Run­ners World had an inter­est­ing arti­cle on hydra­tion. They rec­om­mend­ed weigh­ing your­self, going for a run, then weigh­ing your­self again. The dif­fer­ence between the two weights is how much you should drink. Sim­ple, neh?

  3. Cou­ple rea­sons. First, I was
    Cou­ple rea­sons. First, I was in first through fourth grades dur­ing the Carter admin­is­tra­tion, so I got indoc­tri­nat­ed with Met­ric stuff. It always sort of made sense, with all the divide by ten stuff. That’s easy math. And i nev­er under­stood stan­dard mea­sure­ments. OK, when I get a recipe that calls for “four table­spoons” some peo­ple under­stand that that’s the same as one-fourth of a pint (or what­ev­er it is) but I have to go look­ing for a damn table­spoon mea­sure. Seri­ous­ly, in order to fig­ure out how many pints there are in a gal­lon, I have to open the refrig­er­a­tor and find a con­tain­er with pint mea­sure­ments and anoth­er one with gal­lon mea­sure­ments, look at the millileter num­bers and con­vert that way. EVERY TIME. It sucks.

    Um. Also I’m obsessed with chicks from oth­er coun­tries. I think it has to do with fear of inti­ma­cy, so I look for peo­ple real­ly far away. Any­way, being up on the met­ric stuff helps me communicate.

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