Should it Stay or Should it Go?

I’ve been think­ing about shav­ing off the goa­tee for a while. I like how it accen­tu­ates my chin, mak­ing me look like I’ve got a jaw­line, but at the same time, I sort of see it as hid­ing my face. I can gain ten pounds and it does­n’t mat­ter because there’s this fake pro­trud­ing chin instead of the begin­nings of a dou­ble-chin. So I like to be able to see myself as I am and keep myself accountable.

And hey, I’m just ask­ing your opin­ion, not ask­ing you to con­trol my life. That’s why there’s no “it’s up to you” option on the poll. I know it’s up to me. I still want to know what you think.

One Reply to “Should it Stay or Should it Go?”

  1. Fun­ny, I’ve been think­ing
    Fun­ny, I’ve been think­ing about grow­ing mine back. The most I can man­age is a semi-mangy VanDyke, sort of like Shag­gy meets Leo DiCaprio.

    After that sim­i­le, I won­der why I even bother!

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