Another Saturday Night and I Ain’t Got Nobody…
I was supposed to go to the ball game tonight.
Instead I was late and the people who had my ticket went inside. I tried calling on the cell phone a few times, but didn’t get through. I walked over to Market Street and thought about going to see a movie at Metreon, but I just wasn’t inspired to see any of the stuff in the theaters today. Terminator? ehhhh. Even Finding Nemo, which is supposed to be real good, just didn’t look appealing tonight. So I’m home again. I got my hair cut yesterday and trimmed my goatee so I can be real sharp-looking sitting here alone in front of the computer. I might read more of this book Reading Lolita in Tehran which is turning out to be a pretty interesting.
So now I am lonely, tired, horny, frustrated, bored and sore.
And they say guys aren’t in touch with their feelings.