Another Saturday Night and I Ain’t Got Nobody…

I was sup­posed to go to the ball game tonight.

Instead I was late and the peo­ple who had my tick­et went inside. I tried call­ing on the cell phone a few times, but did­n’t get through. I walked over to Mar­ket Street and thought about going to see a movie at Metre­on, but I just was­n’t inspired to see any of the stuff in the the­aters today. Ter­mi­na­tor? ehh­hh. Even Find­ing Nemo, which is sup­posed to be real good, just did­n’t look appeal­ing tonight. So I’m home again. I got my hair cut yes­ter­day and trimmed my goa­tee so I can be real sharp-look­ing sit­ting here alone in front of the com­put­er. I might read more of this book Read­ing Loli­ta in Tehran which is turn­ing out to be a pret­ty interesting.

So now I am lone­ly, tired, horny, frus­trat­ed, bored and sore.

And they say guys aren’t in touch with their feelings.

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