Ooops, no breakfast
Well, first, it was a mistake to go to the grocery store after the gym last night. I needed what I bought, but it’s hard enough carrying a 28lb bucket of kitty litter home when I’m not exhausted. When I’ve just pushed my physical limits to their breaking point, I’m not ready for the kitty litter.
Anyhow, I like having raisins in my oatmeal in the morning, so I made it a point to pick up raisins. Perfectly logical thing to do, right? Well, I forgot that I ran out of oatmeal.
It was good to get to the gym last night though. I ran on the treadmill; 2.5 miles in 25 minutes including warmup and cooldown. I always do better if I don’t count the warmup and cooldown times. I actually got on the bench and really humiliated myself with how little weight I could push. Of course, it helps to have a spotter, but I didn’t even get close to the weights I used to bench. This means that in terms of the commitment I made back in April, I’m farther away than I was then. Arrgh.
Then, I weighed 83 kilos and I could benchpress 55. That 55 is probably a bit optimistic, but this morning I’m weighing in at 82 kilos and last night I barely did three reps (not sets!) at 48kg. Obviously getting up to and down to 70 on those numbers by the middle of August is not going to happen.
Actually, there’s something I like about having an impossible goal. So I’m not changing my goals until August 15th, and then I’ll take inventory on where I’ve gotten since I made that goal.
However, Men’s Health this month says I can LOSE MY GUT and have a beach-ready body in 15 days and BUILD BICEPS FAST. It’s also got an article about a 49-year old guy dating a 21-year old girl. Stuff like that gives me hope. I love Men’s Health even (especially?) if it is trash.
Anyway, I’ve been cycling slightly more than never and I’ve been to the gym once or twice a week since the beginning of July. I can’t expect to counteract a year of sloth. I reached for a donut at a meeting recently and just as i was reaching, a gorgeous woman I’ve sort of had a crush on for the last couple months walked in the door. Saved me from that donut.
But whatever. I’m starting to see little hints of muscle emerging again as I catch my image in the mirror. That’s definitely good, even if it’s just a start.