Cable guy is here

It all seems to be going well. He was total­ly unfazed by the fact that I don’t have a TV, and I was able to do a lot of clean­ing and declut­ter­ing today. I could almost have com­pa­ny over! Well, almost. There are still large pock­ets of mess here and there, but for the moment I’ll live with it. What i real­ly need to do is replace my dead mon­i­tor so that I can watch TV on some­thing i can see from the couch. This 14″ mon­i­tor I’ve been using since the mag­navox 20″ died does­n’t real­ly qual­i­fy. What i need to do is get about 38 hours of bill­able time done this week, so i can afford the replace­ment I want. I don’t knolw if i’ve ever billed 38 hours in a week. That’s a tough week, espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing it’s Mon­day at 3:40pm and I’d need to be done with that by about 2pm Fri­day. But we shall see. just gonna try to take things one day at a time and get back to work.

After I put the laun­dry away and the cable guy leaves. Then I’ll be able to set up the com­put­er to record a cou­ple of shows and throw away the rab­bit ears. Woo!


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