Clutter Clutter Everywhere
The cable chick (or guy… how should I know?) is coming by this afternoon, and I just realized what a fucking hellhole I live in. Now I don’t particularly care what the cable chick thinks, but it would be nice if this place were semipresentable for human habitation. To that end, I’m doing some cleaning and decluttering. It’ll still be a big mess, but I’m hoping I can get this up to just a mess instead of a mess so bad that it becomes cable-installer lore for years to come.
I’m posting this because I’ve mentioned before that I don’t date much, or at least I never go beyond a first date. Well, there are two reasons. First: I’m always broke. All my friends can attest to this. I’m always bailing out of plans because I don’t have the money. So I frequently catch myself before asking someone out and reflect on the eighteen cents I have on my desk at home and how that’s not enough to buy a cup of coffee, never mind dinner and a movie. You can say that money doesn’t matter – yeah, right. It’s not attractive to be a thirty-three year old guy who can barely support himself, never mind kids.
But the other reason is that if things start to get too heavy, then at some point she’ll WANT TO SEE WHERE I LIVE. Which is totally reasonable, I mean, who wouldn’t be curious about where the person one is dating lives. On the other hand, holy shit! This place is not habitable. Sometimes I get bursts of energy and things start to get cleaned and it looks like a nice happy place. Then there are the other 50 weeks of the year.
So basically I have two very good excuses not to ever let anyone near me. Hooray for the Internet!