My legs hurt. What did I put on the leg sled last night? I think it was 360 pounds, plus what­ev­er the sled weighs to begin with. A cou­ple years ago I used to put 450 on just to warm up before the rest of my work­out. OK, 450 was­n’t easy, but it’s a lot of weight and I could do three sets of twelve so it would get me psy­ched up for the rest of the work­out. Psy­cho­log­i­cal more than anything.

Maybe it’s not the leg sled. Maybe it’s all that incline walk­ing I did on the tread­mill. That hurt my calves more, and I’m feel­ing it in my thighs, which means sled.

I think I need to spend more time on my bicy­cle. I’ve always been weak above the waist; I can’t afford to let myself go below as well.

I guess Ibupro­fen is my friend, right?

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