Saw the gym yesterday
It reminded me why I used to go there so much. It was a load of fun.
First I got on the treadmill and did something really zany: I turned the incline up to 15% and adjusted my speed to keep my heartrate from exceeding 160 (not always successfully). I got 1.6 miles in 25 minutes, which is super slow, but I was soaked in sweat and if I keep doing that my butt will look great after a couple years.
Then went upstairs and did lots of painful ab things. That’s always the worst part, especially because my abs are so far under a layer of fat that having strong abs will not aid my appearance. But whatever. I think I need to watch The Professional (Léon) again, because seeing him swing down over the doorframe to shoot people has always inspired me to do my sit-ups.
Then i just did a lot of different stuff. Didn’t focus on one area too much. Hit my chest, shoulders, back. Doing those flys really helped loosen my chest up. it was hurting from a couple days ago. i was just about to give up and go home, doing what was going to be my last area with some shoulder presses, when I made eye contact with a woman doing some sort of leg extensions. This had the natural lobotomizing effect and I forgot that I was planning to leave. But I went to go do another machine on the other side of the club – I forget what it’s called, but it’s basically a facing slighly down rowing motion. It doesn’t matter. I started to do this, and guess who comes over to the leg sled and starts working out right next to me? Right.
So I watched her for a little while as I was catching my breath in between by sets, and she got up and went to add weight. She took off the 25lb plates and wanted to replace them with 45lb plates, but she couldn’t lift the 45lb plates, so she asked me to give her a hand. We talked about the leg sled a little – I like it because it’s such a psychological boost to be able to push around way more weight than I can normally lift. She invited me to work in a set on the leg sled, but that would have meant moving a lot more of those plates around, so I said I’d wait. I hadn’t been planning to get on the leg sled at all, but I did anyhow. and I went to the steam room and then home, where I had what the grocery store calls a “Santa Fe Caesar” salad, which was way better than I thought it would be.
Women just rule my world. I love them! But I have the sneaking suspicion that this one would have really started to annoy me after the second date. She was very nice, and had this hot nose. Totally hot nose. Yeah. I’m not even sure why I think she would start to annoy me. I guess I’m just so commitmentphobic that I can’t deal with anything that might lead to future interaction.
This spoiled everything for me: it was last December I had a talk with a friend of mine who told me that if one doesn’t have sex with a woman on the third date, she thinks one is not interested and that the relationship is going nowhere. Normally i would have just dismissed this as bullshit, but it happened to come immediately before and after several popular-culture references to the “third date” as is “you know what happens on the third date, right?” This has TOTALLY RUINED IT ALL FOR ME. I’m not talking about casual sex, that’s all well and good (in theory anyway – I don’t have very much practice). I’m talking about meeting someone for the third time and being ready to jump in bed as the norm of the relationship track? And if I don’t it’s considered rejection? AAAAAAIIIIIGHHHH!!!!!
Seriously. I’m now convinced that the only way I’ll ever have a relationship is to find someone I can communicate with online from far away until I get to know her well enough so that I can start that “three date” countdown from already having a good relationship. But see? not having sex with someone on another continent cannot be construed as rejection! it’s perfect! Hooray for the internet!
I hadn’t exactly planned this out, but this might explain why I’m attracted to women in Europe and the Middle East (OK, mostly the Middle East – Europe is too close, but there are exceptions). I really love going out and having a good time and getting to know someone, but to think I’ll get to know someone in two dinner dates or whatever, that’s just too much pressure. I’d rather just keep it light and fun and then bail.
Except that I don’t even have a passport, so if I won’t get serious with American women, then.… sigh. There’s a flaw in every plan.