Bled dry
Donated blood today. Funny thing is, now I’m really tired. I guess that’s not unexpected. What’s unexpected is that it was a longer day than I thought it would be.
I started the day with the appointment I had to look at a client’s networking and reinstall some software at 9am, and I was actually there on time, which i just have to say to remind myself that yes, I am capable of being on time when I make the right decisions. After 2 hours I was ready to go, but got to talking with the client and then found out that another one of the consultants working for this client, who’d been working with this client for a lot longer than I have, is leaving, apparantly because of budget cuts.
First I’m wondering why they’re paying my useless ass to be there when she – part of the backbone of the company even if she wasn’t an employee – has been effectively laid off. Second I stayed around for her farewell lunch, which was good Japanese food. Yum.
So that meant I was late getting to the blood center. Mostly they don’t really care, but I’d planned out my day and I was getting behinder and behinder. Fortunately I’ve been working out more, which means that my blood flows faster. Back in the days when I weighed in 30lbs heavier than I am now, I recall it taking as long as 20 or 25 minutes to get a pint of blood out of me. Today it was 6.
Then I got on a bus and read the whole way home. Now I’m beat, and I haven’t even started doing the work I was supposed to finish last night. I’m hoping that 20 – 30 minutes lying down will refresh me and I’ll be ready to jump back in and get some stuff done.
Send me good energy vibes or something. I need ’em.