OK, so this is real good and real bad. Mostly real good, but there’s a sharp bitterness in there too, and I’m trying to absorb it like a grownup or something.
A month or more ago I met this chick over Friendster, OK? It was kind of funny because she was immediately very hot and flirty and funny and all that, and she invited me to a party at her house like that very next night. So I thought that would be really cool and I went.
Well, first, I showed up pretty close to when the invitation was. She said 8:00pm and I was there by 8:15. She wasn’t dressed yet, and didn’t expect anyone else for another two hours. I guess I’m just not hip to how these young people deal with time. Or whatever.
Anyhow, I had a grand old time, met her friends, was turned on to some music I’d never heard before. All good. There was some awkwardness from not knowing anyone, but that’s sort of life and I ended up talkin with several cool people. Yay! Fun was had by all.
She ended up getting really pretty drunk, which is her prerogative; I don’t do that myself, but you know. Party and all. I did notice that the farther along in the evening we went, the less she wanted to talk to me and the more obviously inebriated she became. Then when I left she said, “we’ll talk again.” That seemed more like a resignation than a promise, but I went home having had a grand night among almost total strangers.
I sent her a message thanking her for the party and suggesting that we do something sometime. Since we’d met through a website and had communicated by IM and email, email seemed the appropriate medium. I got no reply, so I just let it drop. It’s not fun to think that I was not fun to be around or not what she expected or whatever, but I know that whatever faux-pas I may have committed (arriving early and staying late, some slip of the tongue, a joke taken wrong… I don’t know) I’m pretty certain that I didn’t do anything too bad. I mean, I don’t drink. That may make me boring or awkward, but I actually remember the entire evening and I know I did not cause any property damage or run around with my underwear on my head or anything. Things didn’t click, so OK. She gave me the brush. Whatever.
So that should have been the end of it, but her name keeps popping up on my IM client, and every now and then I think, “well, maybe I should just say hi” and I did today, because I was in her neighborhood at the blood bank and she and I had talked about it because we’re both blood donors. Or maybe just because I am a dumbshit.
Me: What have you been up to? Are you well? How’s the job hunt? Should I stop being such a nosy jerk?
Her: having been looking need to start soon
Her: I just came on to check email and need to get ready for a club
Her: so um yeah
Her has gone offline
Which is great. I think I can safely just delete her from my IM client and not be tempted to pester her again. That’s totally cool.
BUT… damned if it doesn’t still sting. What’s up with that? I mean, it’s neither unexpected nor even a big deal, and I still feel this pang like I’m not good enough. I guess I have this idea that having mature expectations (or lack thereof) will insulate me from human feelings. And now I’m ashamed for not being thick-skinned enough to brush this off.
Ultimately, I know that it’s not a big deal. I’m not gonna cry myself to sleep or anything. I have other people’s approval way too high on my priority list. What I’d really like to know is how to let go of that and purge it. or maybe it’s only a conscious decision. I have the feeling first, then I decide what to do about it second.
Or maybe I don’t even know what I’m writing any more. Rambling rambling ramblng.…