
Where did my life go? I still have no con­tact from either M. or Y. and this dis­turbs me ter­ri­bly. The only plans I’ve dared to make revolve around these two women I’ve nev­er met. Some­how this strikes me as a rather poor way to ensure my happiness.

But what are my oth­er choic­es? Go out and date? have a nor­mal life? No, this is where my ego gets in the way. I want an extra­or­di­nary life. I want my life to be a sto­ry of epic pro­por­tions. If there’s love in my life it must win against all odds. Who cares if some horny guy finds a horny girl and they go on to tol­er­ate each oth­er for the rest of their lives? Why would I want that? Why would I want to live with some­one whose val­ues are root­ed in this place I’m com­ing to dis­dain more with each pass­ing day?

But this is all my fail­ure as an artist. If I can­not make a state­ment with my work, I com­pen­sate by try­ing to bring some ele­ment of life into my life.

The prob­lem is ulti­mate­ly that I’m wait­ing for some­thing. And I keep on wait­ing. And my life is drain­ing away a lit­tle at a time. Even­tu­al­ly there will be noth­ing left but a corpse and not even any­one to remem­ber what I could have been. I keep wait­ing, but I’m afraid to jump. I’m the dri­vi­er of my own life and I’m rid­ing the clutch.

One of my char­ac­ter flaws is that I’m good at self-delu­sion. I won­der if its pos­si­ble that I could con­vince myself that what­ev­er I’m wait­ing for has actu­al­ly arrived? What would that look like?

4 Replies to “Emptiness”

  1. Not seri­ous­ly. My spon­sor
    Not seri­ous­ly. My spon­sor digs Nerve. He might have even met his girl­friend there. Not sure.

    Here’s the pro­file I made a cou­ple years ago:


    If that does­n’t work, search for nowhereman

    The prob­lem is, those peo­ple are too close. I don’t think I’m up for meet­ing new peo­ple with­out spend­ing a few months com­mu­ni­cat­ing online or someth­ng like that first. Oth­er­wise, as I wrote ear­li­er, the Third Date arrives way too fast and it’s time to reel in or cut bait. As you and oth­ers have point­ed out, I’m a solip­sis­tic nar­cis­sist, and there­fore it’s hard for me to sort out what is some­one else and what is my idea of who that some­one else is.

    So I’m think­ing of run­ning off to Europe. My plans/fantasies are so con­vo­lut­ed I can’t even start in about them right now.

    It’s real­ly great to see your smil­ing avatar. Seems like it’s been for­ev­er. Don’t be such a stranger!

  2. So, that pro­file is fine,
    So, that pro­file is fine, except that you should sub­sti­tute a cuter pho­to — the one where you’re star­ing off into space hero­ical­ly would be good. And maybe think of chang­ing the title. How about “Bud­dhist with Homo­ci­dal Fan­tasies Seeks Dave Sim Fan”? I’m not say­ing “Los­er with no job or skills seeks some­one to fill the hole in his pathet­ic life” could *nev­er* work, mind you, but it’s gen­er­al­ly best to be slight­ly more positive.

    Espe­cial­ly since you say “Not real­ly a hum­ble guy” (which is a great line, btw), so any­body read­ing your pro­file knows that the “los­er” line is some­thing of a dodge. I get that it’s fun­ny, but you might be sur­prised how often that kind of joke gets made on these sorts of pro­files. It’s usu­al­ly bet­ter to put some­thing hon­est across.

    Last­ly, you should *def­i­nite­ly* write a para­graph or two at the end. Talk about your­self, put some­thing real out there. Say you’re a solip­sis­tic nar­cis­sist and a tech geek and a com­ic artist, and talk about what you want in a girl­friend. This of course requires you to *know* what you want in a girl­friend, but you’re the best per­son I know at pub­lic self-exam­i­na­tion, so you should have an advan­tage in this whole “painful hon­esty” thing.

    I under­stand that you don’t real­ly *want* to meet these girls, but I think you should grit your teeth and go do it. Seri­ous­ly. You say you want love against all odds. Well, what are the odds that you, The Com­pul­sive Splicer, would sub­mit to the indig­ni­ties of online match­mak­ing, would endure the excru­ci­at­ing rit­u­al of the blind date OVER and OVER and OVER, and would even­tu­al­ly wind up with a girl you like and who likes you? Pret­ty slim eh? So GO FOR IT!!

    The Third Date thing — just ignore it. Me and Ben had­n’t even touched by the third date.

    Though I think the gen­er­al idea is that, by the third date, both par­ties are decid­ing if they see roman­tic poten­tial. For some peo­ple this means jump­ing in the sack. But just kiss­ing her, or hold­ing her hand sends the same essen­tial mes­sage. You real­ly don’t have to go to bed with her on the third date.

    You KNOW that meet­ing real live girls in your home­town is way health­i­er than wrap­ping your­self up in elab­o­rate fan­tasies about exot­ic women you’ve nev­er met. I know you know this.

    Thus con­cludes this episode of Unso­licit­ed Advice from Shan­non. Thank you all for tun­ing in.

    Don’t be such a stranger!

    I know! I’m just usu­al­ly broke when Pig­dog nights come around.

    I still have your Tribe CDs, you know. I feel kind of bad about that.

  3. Yeah, I put that pro­file
    Yeah, I put that pro­file togeth­er in about twelve sec­onds after being har­rassed to get my pro­file up and not want­i­ng to deal with the per­son who was pes­ter­ing me. I also have hard time shak­ing a cer­tain dis­dain for Nerve, just because I used to work for a com­peti­tor that fold­ed up just as Nerve was tak­ing off, and that kin­da bummed me out, even though I’ve always liked Nerve.

    Oh, the oth­er thing was that at the time I filled out the pro­file I had nei­ther a bank account nor a cred­it card, so I was basi­cal­ly out of luck if there was ever a con­nec­tion to be made. I should cer­tain­ly update the pro­file. My Friend­ster pro­file is much better. 

    On geog­ra­phy, my track record in the last year is basi­cal­ly: New York City: Sex! New Jer­sey: Sex! Burlingame: Sex, but I real­ly wished I had­n’t. Wal­nut Creek: No sex, and I’m pret­ty glad I did­n’t. the cal­cu­lus on this is pret­ty easy to fol­low: Vien­na: love, Tehran: marriage. 

    And yes, I’m aware of how hor­ri­bly full of shit I am when I say that. The trou­ble is I believe my own shit.

    you’re the best per­son I know at pub­lic self-exam­i­na­tion, so you should have an advan­tage in this whole “painful hon­esty” thing.

    You’re so sweet! You actu­al­ly make that sound like a good thing!

    About the third date thing, I dun­no. I know it’s not a rule I have to play by, but it creeps me out any­way. I’m hav­ing trou­ble get­ting past it. Espe­cial­ly with con­ven­tion­al women. Espe­cial­ly in this town when “con­ven­tion­al” means vis­i­ble tat­toos and facial pierc­ings. You can’t tell the free­thinkers by their wacky clothes anymore.

    So, OK, I’ll update the Nerve pro­file and put $15 in so that I can answer ads and stuff. You’ve con­vinced me. =^)

    Yeah, my Tribe CDs! yay! Actu­al­ly, I already replaced Sleep­er, but I was hav­ing trou­ble find­ing Abort. It can be tough chas­ing down defunct bands that nev­er real­ly took off to begin with. Thanks!

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