First, let me say that return-receipt registered mail to Iran is real expensive. But I’m glad that I can do that at all with a country with whom the US has no diplomatic relations. Almost all my international mail in the last eighteen months has just been lost in the void or taken upwards of six months to arrive. But as soon as I started using registered mail, which is supposed to be slower, they started showing up in 5 or 6 days.
I think John Ashcroft is behind it all.
Anyhow, M. showed complete disinterest in talking to me today. I need to go punish myself at the gym. She’s the only one I’m not supercynical about. Which means I’ve entered the realm of delusion. Plus I’m getting fat. I must go seek sports injuries. If I can lift so much weight that my diastolic blood pressure shoots up so high that I have an aneurysm and die tonight, it will have been a good night. Of course, statistically I’m more likely to die from a heart attack on the treadmill doing cardio. Somehow that seems like a lame-ass way to die.
So a new mantra for the gym (past ones have included “surgically enhanced for optimum performance”, “building the body she can’t have”, and “pain is my bitch”) is:
(upstairs please)
Har. Don’t forget to slip
Har. Don’t forget to slip by the pool and break a tooth.
Ooops. I totally forgot to
Ooops. I totally forgot to do that.
No aneurysm either. I guess it was just a failed trip to the gym. Maybe next time.