
Wan­der­ing through ran­dom peo­ple’s jour­nals this morn­ing I came across some­one’s jour­nal that res­onat­ed with me quite a bit. The more I read, the more intrigued I became. And the more I read, the more I saw ways in which our cir­cum­stances are sim­i­lar, which explained the res­o­nance. And then…

A painful aware­ness hit me. This per­son described how she had stopped pur­su­ing dat­ing and roman­tic rela­tion­ships because she is whole and does not require a part­ner to com­plete her. The res­o­nance comes not from the com­mon­al­i­ty between us, although some cir­cum­stances are the same. The res­o­nance comes from our dia­met­ric under­stand­ing; she believes some­thing I tell myself as a fairy sto­ry to com­fort myself in the ter­ri­fy­ing darkness.

I don’t let myself reach out because I’ve dis­cov­ered some­thing sim­i­lar. It is use­less to search for a part­ner to com­plete me, because I can­not be com­plet­ed. I’m too far bro­ken. I’ve giv­en up on any hope that a human pow­er can fix what’s wrong with me. As if I were mor­tal­ly wound­ed, I’ve stopped look­ing for help and I just want to make peace with God before I die.

But I’m far too stub­born for that. In my world there must be no rule left unchal­lenged, no axiom left unde­nied, no brick wall left with­out my smash­ing my head into it. I do almost every­thing back­wards, and I’ve got­ten very good at pulling minor mir­a­cles out of thin air to stay a few steps ahead of a world I’ve been dar­ing to kill me.

A line on the song play­ing: “If I must be lone­ly, I think I’d rather be alone.”

But being alone is a cop-out and I have to admit that. It’s not that some­one else can com­plete me, but I can­not be com­plete until I have let go of my self­ish obses­sion enough to notice some­one else in my life. I will be a hol­low par­o­dy of a human being until I can make some­thing else more impor­tant to myself than my self.

That some­thing can be God, but even that’s a cop-out. Say­ing that the inef­fa­ble is the most impor­tant thing in my life is easy, but what does it mean unless I can put it into action? Faith with­out works is dead, n’est-ce pas? And if God speaks through oth­er peo­ple, then I need to speak to God through oth­er peo­ple. We can­not be at peace with God and at odds with our fel­lows. So I’m right back to how do I act in this world?

If I aspired to great­ness, I’d devote myself to all crea­tures. But that’s a pret­ty tall order. So start with some­thing a lit­tle less ambi­tious: can I make just one per­son more impor­tant to me than myself? Sad­ly the answer seems to be no. I’m just too fuck­ing self­ish to unwrap myself from myself.

OK, you win. I’m too much of a solip­sist. A nar­cis­sis­tic solipsist.

So how do I grow out of myself? I need to know this. It’s killing me.

3 Replies to “Paradox”

  1. Here’s yet anoth­er
    Here’s yet anoth­er twist…Relationships do not nec­es­sar­i­ly rep­re­sent the mutu­al “com­ple­tion” of both part­ners. I would sug­gest that a rela­tion­ship is the union of two incom­plete peo­ple who, over time, arrive at under­stand­ing the incom­plete parts of the oth­er’s nature. While one may encour­age the oth­er to find res­o­lu­tion, I know of few healthy rela­tion­ships where the indi­vid­u­als did­n’t con­tin­ue to strug­gle to com­plete themselves.

    I would sub­mit that if two peo­ple real­ly did “com­plete” each oth­er, that would sure­ly be a very code­pen­dent relationship.

    If you real­ly feel you’re far too dam­aged goods to be in a rela­tion­ship, that’s your call to make, but why throw in the tow­el just because you need to sim­mer and reduce for anoth­er 30 — 50 years?

  2. Absolute­ly. Seek­ing
    Absolute­ly. Seek­ing com­ple­tion out­side one’s self is a futile task. But so is seek­ing com­ple­tion with­out look­ing out­side one’s self. 

    In any case, just because *I* know I’m dam­aged goods does­n’t mean that any­one else nec­es­sar­i­ly does. So I haven’t quite lost hope. I may still be able to hood­wink someone. =^)

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