Goals, again

Well, crap, I made zero progress on my Goals for August 15th and it’s less than a week away now. I gave myself four months and made less than zero progress.

At that time I said I weighed 83 kilos and I could bench­press 55 on a good day. A bet­ter assess­ment would have been 52kg, as I fig­ured out the next day. The goal was to get both num­bers to 70kg.

Last night I went to the gym and, even feel­ing good and hav­ing high ener­gy lev­els, could­n’t do a full set at any more than 95lbs. OK, so that’s 43kg. 9 – 12kg less than I could do four months ago.

And body weight? 82.6kg on the scale this morn­ing. So I’m at the same weight but sig­nif­i­cant­ly weak­er, in just four months.

Now, I’m dis­ap­point­ed in myself for not fol­low­ing through on my com­mit­ment, but I’m not wor­ried too much about the rep­re­sen­ta­tion by the num­bers. I have start­ed to trade fat for mus­cle again and I have not been focus­ing on the bench­press. Since my goal right now is shal­low van­i­ty (Burn­ing Man, no clothes, etc) any­thing that comes off of around my waist is bonus, and for my short-term pur­pos­es, hav­ing good-look­ing arms is more impor­tant than actu­al­ly being able to lift or car­ry anything.

I can bare­ly get into my 31-waist jeans. 32-waist is too small and my gut flops over, but it’s not painful like the 31s. 33s are actu­al­ly com­fort­able, but I have that same effect of my bel­ly and love han­dles get­ting squeezed up over my waist, giv­ing me that apple-on-a-stick look. And that’s true up to my 36s. I have a pair of 38w jeans, and they don’t have that effect on me. But I can take them off with­out unbut­ton­ing or unzip­ping them, so I think it’s fair to say they’re too big.

I’d real­ly like for me 32s to fit me again although I have no desire to get that zom­bie-in-the-head­lights look sport­ed in the pic­ture beyond the cut. I’m pret­ty much resigned to hav­ing the puny arms. I’m built like a tyran­nosaur: thick, pow­er­ful legs and use­less lit­tle arms hang­ing down.

So any­how, what’s impor­tant now is for me to start get­ting real clear about what parts of the body I work on what days so that I can rotate through them and give my body chances to rest while still work­ing out fre­quent­ly. I’m work­ing on the assump­tion that just hav­ing mus­cle tis­sue burns fat, but i should prob­a­bly step up my tread­mill activ­i­ty in gen­er­al, and start look­ing for high­er mileage like Ham­mer­head says rather than my 20-min­utes-at-a-time stuff.

3 Replies to “Goals, again”

  1. high­er milage, but you need
    high­er milage, but you need to build up to it. Adding too much to your work­load too quick­ly is a good way to get injured. I know! I did it myself! It sucks.

  2. From what I’ve read on
    From what I’ve read on run­ning forums, after about 30 – 40 min­utes, your body stops run­ning on stored car­bo­hy­drates and starts to work on fat. Short­er runs get your metab­o­lism up, burn calo­ries, and are a Good Thing, but the sweet spot for run­ning, tread­mills, etc. seems like it might be more like 45 – 60 minutes.

    I’m just try­ing to watch my pro­por­tions of fat/carbs/protein (check out http://www.fitday.com for a great online calorie/nutrition/exercise jour­nal), make sure I keep my fat low, but not non-exis­tent, and make sure I get enough calo­ries to put me in a week­ly calo­rie deficit, but not to starve myself so my metab­o­lism slows down.

  3. OK, but I always run as the
    OK, but I always run as the begin­ning of my work­out. I go upstairs and push pieces of met­al around for 30 – 90 min­utes, but it’s not sus­tained con­stant activ­i­ty like run­ning. So the conun­drum. If I do 45 min­utes on the tread­mill, will I have the ener­gy to go and kick ass on all my upper-body stuff? Prob­a­bly not…

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