Goals, again
Well, crap, I made zero progress on my Goals for August 15th and it’s less than a week away now. I gave myself four months and made less than zero progress.
At that time I said I weighed 83 kilos and I could benchpress 55 on a good day. A better assessment would have been 52kg, as I figured out the next day. The goal was to get both numbers to 70kg.
Last night I went to the gym and, even feeling good and having high energy levels, couldn’t do a full set at any more than 95lbs. OK, so that’s 43kg. 9 – 12kg less than I could do four months ago.
And body weight? 82.6kg on the scale this morning. So I’m at the same weight but significantly weaker, in just four months.
Now, I’m disappointed in myself for not following through on my commitment, but I’m not worried too much about the representation by the numbers. I have started to trade fat for muscle again and I have not been focusing on the benchpress. Since my goal right now is shallow vanity (Burning Man, no clothes, etc) anything that comes off of around my waist is bonus, and for my short-term purposes, having good-looking arms is more important than actually being able to lift or carry anything.
I can barely get into my 31-waist jeans. 32-waist is too small and my gut flops over, but it’s not painful like the 31s. 33s are actually comfortable, but I have that same effect of my belly and love handles getting squeezed up over my waist, giving me that apple-on-a-stick look. And that’s true up to my 36s. I have a pair of 38w jeans, and they don’t have that effect on me. But I can take them off without unbuttoning or unzipping them, so I think it’s fair to say they’re too big.
I’d really like for me 32s to fit me again although I have no desire to get that zombie-in-the-headlights look sported in the picture beyond the cut. I’m pretty much resigned to having the puny arms. I’m built like a tyrannosaur: thick, powerful legs and useless little arms hanging down.
So anyhow, what’s important now is for me to start getting real clear about what parts of the body I work on what days so that I can rotate through them and give my body chances to rest while still working out frequently. I’m working on the assumption that just having muscle tissue burns fat, but i should probably step up my treadmill activity in general, and start looking for higher mileage like Hammerhead says rather than my 20-minutes-at-a-time stuff.
higher milage, but you need
higher milage, but you need to build up to it. Adding too much to your workload too quickly is a good way to get injured. I know! I did it myself! It sucks.
From what I’ve read on
From what I’ve read on running forums, after about 30 – 40 minutes, your body stops running on stored carbohydrates and starts to work on fat. Shorter runs get your metabolism up, burn calories, and are a Good Thing, but the sweet spot for running, treadmills, etc. seems like it might be more like 45 – 60 minutes.
I’m just trying to watch my proportions of fat/carbs/protein (check out http://www.fitday.com for a great online calorie/nutrition/exercise journal), make sure I keep my fat low, but not non-existent, and make sure I get enough calories to put me in a weekly calorie deficit, but not to starve myself so my metabolism slows down.
OK, but I always run as the
OK, but I always run as the beginning of my workout. I go upstairs and push pieces of metal around for 30 – 90 minutes, but it’s not sustained constant activity like running. So the conundrum. If I do 45 minutes on the treadmill, will I have the energy to go and kick ass on all my upper-body stuff? Probably not…