I don’t get it
All the time I see guys in my neighborhood walking with their girlfriends and instead of holding hands or having their arm around the girls waist or shoulders, they’re dragging this poor girl around by a hammerlock, their arms around the girl’s neck.
WTF? Do some girls think that’s cool? If I were a girl and some guy did that to me, he’d get one warning before I put him in the hospital.
What’s a hammerlock?
What’s a hammerlock?
Not what I thought it was.
Not what I thought it was.
A hammerlock really is “pulling an opponent’s arm too high or pulling his arm away from his back.” It’s an illegal hold in wrestling.
OK, so that’s what i get for skipping wrestling class in junior high.
Here’s what i meant to describe:
Imagine your boyfriend is standing next to you. Now he puts his arm around you and cups his hand on your shoulder. Everyone in the room knows you’re together and it’s real sweet. Next, imagine he adopts a more casual stance and bends his elbow a bit more. Now he’s resting his forearm on your shoulder and his hand hangs down in front casually. This is OK too.
Next imagine he bends his elbow all the way around. Your neck is pinned between his bicep and his forearm and you can’t move. Everybody around knows that you belong to him and that he’s ready to snap your neck like a twig if you step out of line. He’ll smack you around ’til you’re black and blue all over, and tell you it’s because he loves you so much.
You’ve just imagined the guys in my neighborhood. Charming, eh?
I believe you’re describing
I believe you’re describing a headlock. I do that to Ms. Fluxions all the time. 🙂
We should walk around
We should walk around Splicer’s neighborhood.