Hooray for the postal services

Last night Y. report­ed that she received the care pack­age I sent her. Pret­ty good, actu­al­ly: San Fran­cis­co to Tehran in 7 days. So now I’m a con­spir­a­tor in trans­port­ing restrict­ed goods into anoth­er coun­try. The copies of Cool Beans include mate­r­i­al the Iran­ian gov­ern­ment would def­i­nite­ly not approve of – I’m think­ing about the the pho­to in the Lon­ers With Bon­ers inter­view, but I’m sure there are zil­lions more instances. I also sent her Read­ing Loli­ta in Tehran, which I start­ed read­ing myself because I thought of her when I saw it in the book­store. When it turned out that she can’t get a copy of it in Iran, well, actu­al­ly Y. asked me to send her my copy when I fin­ished it, and I’m read­ing six books at once so I did­n’t want to make her wait until I was done.

She says that her moth­er wants her to mar­ry me. I guess it just illus­trates mi vida loca that I’m more sur­prised that her moth­er even knows who I am than that she’s talk­ing about mar­riage. That’s a long sto­ry and maybe I’ll tell more of it lat­er. In any case, I’m very grat­i­fied that Y. was so hap­py about receiv­ing her gifts.

I keep on look­ing out the win­dow and see­ing signs that say “Mis­sion” and “Per­sia” and think­ing that its some­how sig­nif­i­cant of something.

In oth­er news, a clien­t’s check is being returned. looks like I’m dirt poor for the next cou­ple days. Owchie. I did find a cheap Burn­ing Man tick­et, so I should still be able to go, as long as I get some mon­ey this week.

Oh, I guess that means I should be work­ing instead of jour­nal­ing. Oops.

2 Replies to “Hooray for the postal services”

  1. Yikes! I’ve nev­er had to
    Yikes! I’ve nev­er had to deal with a client bounc­ing a check before. My bank refused to cash a check once, erro­neous­ly and that was pain enough.

    How will you han­dle it with the client? Re-sub­mit a bill with a bounce charge? Or is it a write-off?

  2. I’ve informed the client
    I’ve informed the client that this hap­pened, and he swears there’s mon­ey in the account. So I get to wait and get the offi­cial notice in the mail from my bank because the peo­ple on the phone can’t or won’t tell me what happened.

    In the mean­time, my account is in over­draft, which sucks. But I won’t have any bounce fees, so as long as I can make it through anoth­er cou­ple days, it’ll all be good.

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