Hooray for the postal services
Last night Y. reported that she received the care package I sent her. Pretty good, actually: San Francisco to Tehran in 7 days. So now I’m a conspirator in transporting restricted goods into another country. The copies of Cool Beans include material the Iranian government would definitely not approve of – I’m thinking about the the photo in the Loners With Boners interview, but I’m sure there are zillions more instances. I also sent her Reading Lolita in Tehran, which I started reading myself because I thought of her when I saw it in the bookstore. When it turned out that she can’t get a copy of it in Iran, well, actually Y. asked me to send her my copy when I finished it, and I’m reading six books at once so I didn’t want to make her wait until I was done.
She says that her mother wants her to marry me. I guess it just illustrates mi vida loca that I’m more surprised that her mother even knows who I am than that she’s talking about marriage. That’s a long story and maybe I’ll tell more of it later. In any case, I’m very gratified that Y. was so happy about receiving her gifts.
I keep on looking out the window and seeing signs that say “Mission” and “Persia” and thinking that its somehow significant of something.
In other news, a client’s check is being returned. looks like I’m dirt poor for the next couple days. Owchie. I did find a cheap Burning Man ticket, so I should still be able to go, as long as I get some money this week.
Oh, I guess that means I should be working instead of journaling. Oops.
Yikes! I’ve never had to
Yikes! I’ve never had to deal with a client bouncing a check before. My bank refused to cash a check once, erroneously and that was pain enough.
How will you handle it with the client? Re-submit a bill with a bounce charge? Or is it a write-off?
I’ve informed the client
I’ve informed the client that this happened, and he swears there’s money in the account. So I get to wait and get the official notice in the mail from my bank because the people on the phone can’t or won’t tell me what happened.
In the meantime, my account is in overdraft, which sucks. But I won’t have any bounce fees, so as long as I can make it through another couple days, it’ll all be good.