Where am I when the movies are good?
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Owning Mahoney, Marooned in Iraq, The Dancer Upstairs–these are all movies I wouldn’t have seen if I didn’t have to for a work-related thing I don’t do anymore, and they’re probably the three most interesting movies I’ve seen this year. I probably would never have seen The Hours or Phone Booth either if I hadn’t been obligated to go, and both of those were worthwhile.
It indicates to me something about how I choose movies. There was a time when I’d see a preview for something that looked good and I’d want to go see it. When I was fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, you couldn’t keep me away from the York Square theater in New Haven. I’ve heard it’s gone downhill since, but I saw Brazil and Kiss of the Spider Woman on the big screen when they came out because I really was more interested in those sorts of things than in shoot-em-up explosion movies.
Today, when i see a preview for something that looks good, I file it away to consider seeing on a date. Like a quality film’s only value to me is that I can impress someone else with my good taste in movies. Seeing things for myself, I see special-effects-laden action stuff and that’s about it.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, mind you. The escapist stuff can be a lot of fun. But what I’m noticing is that I only go in for the escapist stuff and avoid the things that I see that I think will actually provoke some kind of thought. it’s like living on candy bars and avoiding the gourmet meals around me.
It’s yet another example of self-sabotage. Is this a self-esteem thing? Like I’m not someone who deserves to see good movies?
OK, gotta go. Time for me to have a snickers bar for lunch.