You Light Up My Life or Splicer: Outlaw Biker

Fri­day night I came “home” (to P a u l’s place) a bit lat­er than I expect­ed, and it was dark. I think it was about 10pm because I explored Orin­da a lit­tle bit and the last show­ing of the movie I want­ed to see was just about to start and the work­ers at the Star­buck­’s were putting chairs up on the tables. After look­ing around a bit I head­ed on to El Sobrante. I was dread­ing it a bit because I’d have to take San Pablo Dam Road, and at night that road is pret­ty dark. It’s pret­ty dark and my head­light on the hybrid bike is bro­ken. It’s a road that has no lights on most of it, and the mount­ing brack­et for my rear tail­light is broken.

So basi­cal­ly I have no busi­ness rid­ing that bike at night. The trou­ble is, the rac­ing bike has nev­er had a head­light on it. And I think I had some rea­son for not rid­ing the rac­ing bike. I don’t remem­ber what that rea­son might have been, but I remem­ber hav­ing a rea­son of some sort.

Rid­ing either of those bikes is bad enough in the city, where there are street­lights every­where. But rid­ing down a moun­tain road in the mid­dle of the night with no street­lights and no bike-mount­ed lights and no reflec­tors, that’s just crazy.

So I held my breath as I rode past the cop, parked on the side of the road look­ing for speed­ers or reck­less dri­vers. This was less than a mile out from the Orin­da BART sta­tion. A cou­ple min­utes lat­er I saw flash­ing lights and tensed up again. The cop was pulling over a motorist and they both passed me before the auto­mo­bile dri­ver pulled into a turnout. As I passed, the offi­cer was get­ting out of his car. He point­ed his flash­light at me and shout­ed “lights!”

I con­tin­ued on, at points rid­ing blind. Any­time a car came the oppo­site direc­tion it was a strug­gle to make out where the side of the road actu­al­ly was. Even if a car did­n’t hit me, it would have been Very Bad Indeed to fly off the side of the road. When there was no car in sight, I had noth­ing but the faint vision of the white stripe on the road to tell me what direc­tion to go, and so I’d stay on the left side of it, not know­ing how wide the shoulder/bike lane was at any giv­en point.

Rid­ing San Pablo Dam Road at night with no lights was not the smartest thing I ever attempted.

I was about a quar­ter-mile from P a u l’s place when the cop caught up with me and pulled me over. I explained the bro­ken brack­et and that I lived in the city where there are street­lights every­where and apol­o­gized and told him how scary it was careen­ing down the hill blind and promised that I’d get it all fixed the next day. I point­ed out to him that I was with­in sight of my des­ti­na­tion, and he let me go with a lit­tle lec­ture. Actu­al­ly, I’m sure that he nev­er intend­ed give me more than a lec­ture, since he did­n’t ask for my dri­vers license or anything.

So Sat­ur­day while I was in the City, I stopped in at Valen­cia Cyclery. $120 lat­er, I’m the proud own­er of a NiteRid­er Trail Rat 2.0 10 Watt head­light. There was a 12 Watt mod­el for sale at $85 that was actu­al­ly two head­lights mount­ed side by side, but the bat­tery was much heav­ier and was a NiCad recharge­able rather than a NiMH, which means that I’d have to be more care­ful about when nd how often I recharged the battery.

I also switched back to the rac­ing bike. The rac­ing bike’s rear blink­er mount is intact, and the hybrid has some mechan­i­cal prob­lems that need resolving.

Last night I ride in to Orin­da BART, turned on my lights, and rode off. That head­light is steady and strong; I’m very very pleased with its per­for­mance. I could see every­thing ahead of me way on down the road. Instead of the hour it took me to get home from BART Fri­day night, I cov­ered the dis­tance in 29 min­utes, aver­ag­ing 18mph and top­ping out at 39mph. None of that is super-fast con­sid­er­ing that it’s down­hill almost all the way, but if you take into account that it was night­time and I was nat­u­ral­ly rid­ing a bit con­ser­v­a­tive­ly regard­less of the head­light, I’d say I made darn good time.

Today or tomor­row I think I’ll try rid­ing up to Orin­da. See how that works.

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