I’m not a beginner, an amateur or local, my album is sellin’ because I’m on vocals

Very hap­py because i fig­ured out how to recov­er my saved playlists from before the big crash I had a cou­ple months ago, and i have all my old iTunes playlists back, including:

The Con­sul­tant Mix
The Mays-Maria Mix
East of San Quentin
Two of the three Vik­ki mix­es (Pathet­ic and Bit­ter… don’t know what hap­pened to “Get Lost”)
and my favorite, called only “Tran­si­tion­al” which is Splicer’s not-quite-rap mix. It includes some ear­ly rap and some style-defin­ing rap but most­ly rap-influ­enced non-rap and rap-esque music. It’s a pret­ty eclec­tic and fun mix:

1) Swindler­slust – Pub­lic Enemy
2) No Sleep Till Brook­lyn – The Beast­ie Boys
3) Sin­gin’ In Viet­nam Talkin’ Blues – John­ny Cash
4) Bey­routh Ecœurée – Clotaire K
5) ‘Til I Col­lapse Freestyle – 50 Cent (bonus! He men­tions his p90)
6) 3A.M. Eter­nal (Live At The S.S.L.) – The KLF
7) I’m Still –Boo­gie Down Productions
8) Per­fect Love…Gone Wrong – Sting
9) R.A.K.I.M. – Rakim
10) Rap­ture – Blondie
11) Jeni­fa Taught Me (Der­win’s Revenge) – De La Soul
12) Super Eq Team – Voice Farm
13) Drag­on Attack – Queen
14) Ant Rap – Adam & The Ants
15) Livin’ In The Jun­gle – School­ly D
16) Ball of Con­fu­sion (USA Mix) – Love And Rockets
17) Aalash Kwaw­na – U‑Cef
18) Lose Your­self – Eminem
19) Every­thing Is Space – Sun Ra

Sweeeet toon­age.

5 Replies to “I’m not a beginner, an amateur or local, my album is sellin’ because I’m on vocals”

  1. OK, the con­sul­tant mix:

    OK, the con­sul­tant mix:

    1) mer­cy­S­tan­dard – SuperSleuth
    2) Lose Your­self – Eminem
    3) Inner Rev­o­lu­tion – Adri­an Belew
    4) Thank God It’s Mon­day – NoFx
    5) Oppor­tu­ni­ties – Pet Shop Boys
    6) Man Made – A Flock of Seagulls
    7) Repeater – Fugazi
    8) The Mil­lion You Nev­er Had – Ani DiFranco
    9) Dis­ci­pline – King Crimson

    10) Suc­cess – Iggy Pop

    It’s pret­ty short, so I don’t real­ly con­sid­er it “fin­ished” but I’ll burn ya a CD of the rough draft if you like.

  2. I can burn you a “Majes­tic“
    I can burn you a “Majes­tic” mix — real­ly great ambi­ent tunes from the Majes­tic online game that EA did. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the music was the bet­ter part of the game, and they took it offline after a year. While the game played, it played a shout­cast stream from their servers of great ambi­ent, house, and spooky music.

    It was an inter­est­ing game, sort of a con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry x‑files meets the inter­net game where you search through the “inter­net” in their game look­ing for clues. They inter­mixed real net con­tent with their con­tent, includ­ed tele­phone num­bers to call and fax num­bers, and the game would AIM you, fax you, and leave scary, spooky mes­sages on your voice­mail. There would be hid­den clues in white-on-white HTML and in com­ments on web pages, rid­dles, and sto­ry­lines that worked real­ly well. You could com­mu­ni­cate with oth­er play­ers via AIM, too. Some of the AI on the mes­sen­ger bots was a lit­tle fake, but it all worked.

    Either that, or I could make a great 80’s hair met­al run­ning CD. 🙂

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