One more day

Takin’ it one day at a time today. I need to get through today because tomor­row I get to col­lect mon­ey from a client. I ran out of mon­ey a cou­ple days ago, which is incon­ve­nient, but I ran out of cof­fee yes­ter­day and I’m hav­ing to get cre­ative to find stuff to eat. And that’s real­ly inconvenient.

I’m also meet­ing with a client tomor­row to see about work­ing for him full­time. He’s my only con­sis­tent client any­way, so this would prob­a­bly only mean more hours and less pay by the hour and more total hours. Plus using a desk and com­put­er and soft­ware that I don’t have to pay for to main­tain. The big stick­ing point may be health insur­ance. I’d real­ly like to not just bleed to death if I get shot or hit by a bus, and I’m in no posi­tion to move to Europe to get decent health care. I wish that even hav­ing insur­ance would mean I had a shot at get­ting decent health care. We’ll see what happens.

See, I can’t wor­ry about health insur­ance today. I need to wor­ry about FOOD. Very impor­tant. So I will: invoice a cou­ple of clients so that they’ll want to pay me, make oat­meal-raisin cook­ies (one thing I actu­al­ly have the ingre­di­ents for), make a lot of rice, and con­sid­er try­ing to sell my 8mm Bolex. Prob­a­bly should have sold that cam­era a while ago, but I don’t trust an item like that to eBay and I don’t know how to find a buy­er. Maybe the pawn shop? They’d prob­a­bly give me not enough for it, but I could col­lect it tomor­row or Saturday.

No mat­ter what, it’s time for me to get back to work. Fun fun fun…

19 Replies to “One more day”

  1. !!!
    That sounds like a


    That sounds like a din­ner invitation.

    And it looks like a din­ner invi­ta­tion from a love­ly lady…

    Well, OK, but you have to promise you’ll tell me all about skydiving.

  2. Hey, man, I was going to
    Hey, man, I was going to offer to feed you this evening. But, since you have a beau­ti­ful lady feed­ing you, I’ll not intrude. 🙂

    I’ll see you (Splicer) in a few hours.

  3. Well, not to answer for Mr.
    Well, not to answer for Mr. Splicer but by all means, feed the man. I have rac­quet­ball until 9 and that would put me in the city by 10, all sweaty and smelly…(am I giv­ing too much info here?) 

    SO FEED HIM! I’ll offer next week. How’s that sound?

  4. That’s a real good idea,
    That’s a real good idea, actu­al­ly. We’ve got some stuff to talk about. By then I should have a bet­ter idea of what I’ll be doing for a liv­ing and we can talk about let­ting you take over, or else I’ll real­ly want to talk about what­ev­er offer I have or have not got­ten by then.

  5. Wait… 10pm and sweaty…
    Wait… 10pm and sweaty… what part of that is sup­posed to some­how be bad? It’s 9:54 and I’m think­ing sweaty sounds just about per­fect… =^D

  6. Lis­ten, insa­tiable­girl, I
    Lis­ten, insa­tiable­girl, I fed the man this evening but he told me he would have much rather been fed by you. But then he said, “Oh, well, maybe it would be bet­ter until she’s all sweaty and smelly…” He is a man of exot­ic tastes. 🙂

    So, now you know. Oh, and I fed him enough to hold him til you get here. Well, depend­ing on how long you take.

  7. That’s for­tu­nate because I
    That’s for­tu­nate because I don’t know any­thing about sky­div­ing. Except that I don’t do it and I’m not like­ly to do it in the near future. One of the few things I’m not like­ly to try, although I’d prob­a­bly love it if I tried. 🙂

  8. Well, all that is fine and
    Well, all that is fine and dandy but then I’m funky and sweaty…from the funk of racquetball…not even my per­fume cov­ers up that funk. 

    Trust me on this one…I’m much bet­ter all showered…I clean up nicely.

  9. I tell every­one I meet…if
    I tell every­one I meet…if you wan­na do it, do it. It’s fun, and way bet­ter than most sex peo­ple get…not me of course..but bet­ter than most I hear. 

    A lot of peo­ple say they’d rather spend their mon­ey on some­thing else. 

    “Most of us have more mon­ey and less time than we think.”

  10. Okay, okay, tell me
    Okay, okay, tell me more…about the sex. That sounds way more inter­est­ing than hear­ing about peo­ple falling from the sky! 

    And, you’re right about the mon­ey vs. time for me. I don’t have much mon­ey, so start telling me your sto­ry fast, before my time runs out. LOL

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