I’m such an addict

In my mind, I’m already spend­ing all the mon­ey I haven’t start­ed earn­ing because I haven’t even accept­ed the job yet.

I just spent about an hour on miniusa.com spec’ing out my dream car. Acces­soriz­ing a $17,000 car up to $34,000. Maybe I’d best pay off my cred­it card first.

BUT this is killer: if I don’t want a sun­roof, I can get the Coop­er Mini with the St. Andrew’s Cross on the roof.

He’s got a big white X/On the top of his car

OK, and the Coop­er Mini web­site thinks I’ve been drool­ing over their cars long enough:

Sor­ry to inter­rupt, but haven’t you been in front of this com­put­er long enough? We here at MINI are wor­ried you’re not get­ting enough expo­sure to the sun and stars. Don’t wor­ry, we’ll be here all week. So, get going. Save your reti­nas for the road.

4 Replies to “I’m such an addict”

  1. Part of me would love a
    Part of me would love a small car — eas­i­er to park, eas­i­er to deal with. Being 63″ and heavy is a bum­mer. I’m get­ting lighter, but would need to be into the “nor­mal” BMI range to fit!

    My mom is sell­ing a ’92 Mia­ta with, get this — 18,000 miles on it. Dri­ven by a lit­tle old lady back and forth to her job a mile away. She’d give it to me in a heart­beat, but I don’t fit. If I ever got in an acci­dent in it, I’d have to be pried out. Why could­n’t they be just a lit­tle bit bigger?

  2. I remem­ber Mas­ter Squid
    I remem­ber Mas­ter Squid wry­ly com­ment­ing that he was going to get two Miatas – one for each buttcheek.

    Damn, how much does your Mom want for the Mia­ta? I got to dri­ve Liquor­Pig’s sev­er­al weeks ago and it was way way way fun.

  3. Some­thing like blue­book -
    Some­thing like blue­book — $6200, I think. Insane for a car with bare­ly a years’ worth of nor­mal dri­ving on it.

    After read­ing Lpig’s sto­ry, I’d splurge and get a rollbar.

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