So What?
OK, so I’m nowhere near as annoyed about Governor Schwarzenegger as I am about hearing about how The World Has Ended Because Of Arnold. Really. Big Deal.
What disturbs me is that we had a recall election at all. Gray Davis is not my favorite person on the planet, but it’s absurd that we arbitrarily decided to have another election just for fun.
Ahnuld? OK, so this was opportunistic of him, but this is no surprise, people. Ahnuld has been grooming himself for American politics for at least twenty years. And the shadow government has had their eye on him for longer than that. If you’d been paying attention, you wouldn’t be shocked today. Get a grip.
And once again: SO WHAT? I mean SO FUCKING WHAT? California survived RONALD REAGAN and sent him off to fuck up the REST OF THE COUNTRY.
A) Was not born in the U.S. and cannot be elected to the presidency. Once he’s done being Gubernator his political career is over, unless he runs for lower office. Which could happen, but it’s rare.
B) Is pretty far to the left of Bush on social and civil liberties issues.
C) Is facing a hostile legislature and probably can’t actually get anything accomplished anyway.
…and about forty other ways this is such a little tiny event that it’s NOT EVEN WORTH YOUR TIME TO THINK ABOUT.
Besides, the Democrats have been selling out the left wing for WAY too long. Keeping Gray or Cruz around in the G Chair JUST ENCOURAGES THEM. A lot of people seem to describe me as a liberal, but I’m ashamed to be associated with the bastards that represent us liberals in this country. Crunchy-granola liberals will vote for a pile of batshit as long as it’s a registered Democrat. Well, I refuse.
I’m glad we have Arnold. Here’s someone that at least we can mobilize against. And maybe he’ll screw up and do something right, guaranteed never to happen with Davis or Bustamente.
Criticizing that shithead Davis and trying to get something changed with a Democrat in office gets you branded as a Limbaugh-sucking jackbooted thug. When did the liberals become such fascists? Kiss off.
Now what would have been cool is if Mary Carey had been elected. Then I could truly say I was proud to be in California.
lmao @ Gubernator
lmao @ Gubernator
You are overlooking the more
You are overlooking the more important reality- that the seals are breaking wide open for some real end of the world, Nostradamus type-stuff to happen.
If the Red Sox win the World Series, we’d better make our final peace with God.
Yeah, don’t forget the Cubs
Yeah, don’t forget the Cubs in that equation.
I’ll tell you, there’ll be some sore losers here in San Francisco if Dusty Baker, after screwing up the Giants’ bid for the World Series last year, goes on to bring the Cubsâthe CUBS!!!!âto victory.
It’s satisfying enough to see the Red Sox kill the Yankees though. Yay!
Anyway, the first sign of the apocalypse was when the Patriots took the Superbowl ring home. I mean, it’s the damn Pats. When did they ever play worth a damn? I mean, they don’t even have their own state! I think it had to have been a post‑9/11 setup and bid for morale by the Shadow Government.
Dang, that sounds like one
Dang, that sounds like one of MY political rants.
Well done. Especially the bit about the pile of batshit.…