So What?

OK, so I’m nowhere near as annoyed about Gov­er­nor Schwarzeneg­ger as I am about hear­ing about how The World Has End­ed Because Of Arnold. Real­ly. Big Deal.

What dis­turbs me is that we had a recall elec­tion at all. Gray Davis is not my favorite per­son on the plan­et, but it’s absurd that we arbi­trar­i­ly decid­ed to have anoth­er elec­tion just for fun.

Ahnuld? OK, so this was oppor­tunis­tic of him, but this is no sur­prise, peo­ple. Ahnuld has been groom­ing him­self for Amer­i­can pol­i­tics for at least twen­ty years. And the shad­ow gov­ern­ment has had their eye on him for longer than that. If you’d been pay­ing atten­tion, you would­n’t be shocked today. Get a grip.

And once again: SO WHAT? I mean SO FUCKING WHAT? Cal­i­for­nia sur­vived RONALD REAGAN and sent him off to fuck up the REST OF THE COUNTRY.


A) Was not born in the U.S. and can­not be elect­ed to the pres­i­den­cy. Once he’s done being Guber­na­tor his polit­i­cal career is over, unless he runs for low­er office. Which could hap­pen, but it’s rare.

B) Is pret­ty far to the left of Bush on social and civ­il lib­er­ties issues.

C) Is fac­ing a hos­tile leg­is­la­ture and prob­a­bly can’t actu­al­ly get any­thing accom­plished anyway.

…and about forty oth­er ways this is such a lit­tle tiny event that it’s NOT EVEN WORTH YOUR TIME TO THINK ABOUT.

Besides, the Democ­rats have been sell­ing out the left wing for WAY too long. Keep­ing Gray or Cruz around in the G Chair JUST ENCOURAGES THEM. A lot of peo­ple seem to describe me as a lib­er­al, but I’m ashamed to be asso­ci­at­ed with the bas­tards that rep­re­sent us lib­er­als in this coun­try. Crunchy-gra­nola lib­er­als will vote for a pile of bat­shit as long as it’s a reg­is­tered Demo­c­rat. Well, I refuse.

I’m glad we have Arnold. Here’s some­one that at least we can mobi­lize against. And maybe he’ll screw up and do some­thing right, guar­an­teed nev­er to hap­pen with Davis or Bustamente.

Crit­i­ciz­ing that shit­head Davis and try­ing to get some­thing changed with a Demo­c­rat in office gets you brand­ed as a Lim­baugh-suck­ing jack­boot­ed thug. When did the lib­er­als become such fas­cists? Kiss off.

Now what would have been cool is if Mary Carey had been elect­ed. Then I could tru­ly say I was proud to be in California.

4 Replies to “So What?”

  1. You are over­look­ing the more
    You are over­look­ing the more impor­tant real­i­ty- that the seals are break­ing wide open for some real end of the world, Nos­tradamus type-stuff to happen.

    If the Red Sox win the World Series, we’d bet­ter make our final peace with God.

  2. Yeah, don’t for­get the Cubs
    Yeah, don’t for­get the Cubs in that equation.

    I’ll tell you, there’ll be some sore losers here in San Fran­cis­co if Dusty Bak­er, after screw­ing up the Giants’ bid for the World Series last year, goes on to bring the Cubs—the CUBS!!!!—to victory.

    It’s sat­is­fy­ing enough to see the Red Sox kill the Yan­kees though. Yay!

    Any­way, the first sign of the apoc­a­lypse was when the Patri­ots took the Super­bowl ring home. I mean, it’s the damn Pats. When did they ever play worth a damn? I mean, they don’t even have their own state! I think it had to have been a post‑9/11 set­up and bid for morale by the Shad­ow Government.

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